DAVID HARSANYI: What Gives With Henry Blodget? “If Blodget wants to pretend that paying taxes is a patriotic and moral enterprise, rather than simply a necessity, that’s his choice as a liberal. But his consistent mischaracterization and simplification of the his opponent’s opinions is irksome.”

Perhaps he’d care to release ten years of his tax returns.

UPDATE: Senator Blutarsky writes:

Here’s the thing about Henry Blodget and Mitt Romney: Both guys made millions of dollars in the financial sector. Only one of them did it in ways that got him banned from the securities industry. Spoiler alert: It wasn’t Mitt.

And Graeme Hein emails: “Since Henry has a lifetime ban from the securities industry, he’s in an interesting position to try to claim to be holier than thou. Much like Client #9, his colleague on the Slate attempted leftist redemption team.”

Here’s some Blodget-Spitzer background.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Will Allen writes:

I can’t tell you how sickening it is for me to hear the guy who has responsibility for law enforcement in this country talk about his opponent’s tax returns, after he enlisted, as a major bundler, a former Senator and Governor, who then oversaw a company in which hundreds of millions, in what were supposed to be SEGREGATED ACCOUNTS, simply disappeared! Who then testified in front of Congress that he simply had no idea where the money went! With the DoJ now saying no prosecutions are likely! With the Senator/Governor/bundler/money vanisher now reported to be mulling over whether he should start up a hedge fund!

I thought I had seen it all. I was wrong.

These are the Crazy Years.