BARACK OBAMA’S WORST NIGHTMARE: MATH. Obama Flunks Econ 101. Actually, I heard from a close friend of Harry Reid’s that Obama flunked Econ 101 three times at Columbia. With such significant rumors out there, the burden should be on Obama to release his transcripts and disprove this serious charge.

Plus: “So it’s time, I think, if Obama ever gets hard questions (maybe People magazine could slip one in), to start answering some basics: 1) Why are his growth and job estimates so far off, so consistently? 2) If we grow at 1 to 2 percent, as most economists think, what happens to the deficit and what impact will his tax hikes have on the ‘recovery’? 3) Why didn’t the $1.2 trillion (interest included) stimulus deliver the uptick he promised? Why would another, smaller variation of that work?”

Hey, let’s run that graphic again: