STACY MCCAIN REPORTS FROM anti-Obama protests in Fairfax County.

Meanwhile, reader James Wink emails: “I live about a mile away from where President Obama is speaking right now in Centreville. He is speaking at my daughter’s future High School….think about it. The President of the United states could have spoken 5 miles away at George Mason University….but decided to on a high school in must win Northern Virginia. The president’s most valuable commodity is time and instead of speaking to 1000s he decided on a smaller scale. Was he worried about filling an audience?”

UPDATE: Reader Larry Bronstein writes: “The Obama supporters who came to the rally at Centreville High School in Clifton, VA (Fairfax County) came from outside the voting precinct. Many drove cars with Maryland license plates and none of them were recognized by the 100’s of neighbors who turned out to protest Obama’s tax increases. The Obama rally was a terrible inconvenience as streets were closed and traffic stacked up, preventing residents from leaving or returning to their homes. And it appeared there weren’t even enough Obama folks to fill the high school gymnasium.”