PROFESSOR JACOBSON: NY Daily News whitewashes its Sanford neo-Nazi faux pas. “The Daily News went a step further, and completely replaced its first report with a second story using the same url as the first, but with very different approaches. As these screenshots indicate, the first story pretty much repeated the Miami New Times report as true, while the second story reduced it to a future intention by neo-Nazis to patrol, noting the denial by Sanford Police.”

Related: James Taranto: Wild Goose-Step Chase: Journalists propagate neo-Nazi bluster. “While part of this is sheer sensationalism, there’s an ideological agenda at work here as well: The left imagines that ‘right wing’ hate groups are on a continuum with mainstream conservatives and the Republican Party. Somebody like Jeff Schoep is primarily pandering to the prejudices of the left, and the Miami New Times report shows just how credulous the left can be when its prejudices are pandered to.”