READER GREGORY CARLSON WRITES: “I thought you might find this article interesting. Especially considering the rate at which a a college degree is being overblown. I will note that it seems like the opinion hasn’t changed much since I enlisted in 2003. I had High School teachers explain to me just what a bad idea the military was. I can honestly say that there is no way I would have succeeded in college, nor would I have been as successful post college, had I not joined the Marines. The line in the article ‘The military isn’t college, it doesn’t count’, well, polite words fail me. Politely put, I would say that my military experience provided me with far more in terms of life skills (i.e. communication skills, professional conduct, personal management etc) than a college could ever hope to provide.”

UPDATE: Reader James Sampson writes: “I completely agree with Mr. Carlson. I would, however, add one more item – ‘public high school doesn’t count’. Because it sucks, and they hate you.”