TEN YEARS AGO ON INSTAPUNDIT: “I am serious when I say, as I did yesterday, that I am worried about where Europe is heading.” And yet, in retrospect, I was probably not worried enough. More: “I want to write a piece on Euro/American misunderstandings, but this post is already long enough, so that will have to wait until another time. But it occurs to me that when Europeans bash America they’re usually bashing the American masses, with their complaints against McDonald’s, the ‘gun culture,’ support for the death penalty, etc. American bashing of Europe, on the other hand, is usually aimed at European political and cultural leaders. It thus seems odd to me to see Europeans become angry when I pick on, say, Pascal Smets. Perhaps this is a sign of my unredeemable Americanism, but it’s just hard to imagine people taking criticism of that guy, and his dumb plan to register every human being on earth, personally.”
Related thoughts here. Plus, punished for an anti-EU poster in Belgium. In retrospect, Mr. Johansson looks like a hero, or at least a prophet.