WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Occupy Wall Street is more of the Left’s familiar flapdoodle.

The charter is chock-full of the same familiar leftist nostrums seen in Great Depression-era editions of the Communist Party USA’s Daily Worker and on countless protest signs during Students for a Democratic Society-led campus demonstrations in the 1960s. Today, the rants about “American colonialism,” “militarism,” “people over profit,” “living wages” and “economic democracy” are projected against a background of assumptions concerning “the 1 percent versus the 99 percent.” No doubt, Marx and Lenin would be astounded that, amid the most prosperous and free society in the history of mankind, so many useful idiots could be convinced to protest against the very individual freedom and economic liberty that made it all possible.

Actually, though, there’s an opportunity for the Republicans to seize control of the narrative by attacking Goldman, Sachs and highlighting its connections to the Administration. Go after the crony capitalism, guys. There’s lots of it out there.

UPDATE: Michael Lotus agrees on the crony capitalism:

Right on

Too bad the GOP is afraid to touch this

Only Sarah Palin was willing to do it

That really needs to change

Keep pounding that drum, sir!

I watched Kudlow last night and I was disappointed to see him and James Pethokoukis jumping all over a Tea Party guest who was complaining about crony capitalism. They’re smarter than that.