DON SURBER: Media Controversy Backfires: “The Pima County Republican Party of Tucson, Arizona, should thank the local news media for making their gun raffle a success — by misidentifying what the gun was and just what the event was. The controversy was stirred by a media that does not know the difference between a Glock 19 and a Glock 23 or for that matter, an auction from a raffle. The news media made it seem as though Republicans were selling the very gun Jared Loughner used to shoot Gabrielle Giffords in a rampage in which he killed six people and wounded 13 others.” No agenda there.

Plus this: “People in Arizona own guns. People in New York City do not understand. Arizona’s homicide rate in 2009 was 5.4 per 100,000 residents. New York City’s was 6.3.”

UPDATE: “Thanks, Brady folks!”