COFFEEBLOGGING: OKAY, I STILL LIKE MY CUISINART COFFEEMAKER, but I’ve found myself throwing out a lot of un-drunk coffee. After some decent hotel experiences with one-cup coffeemakers — of which I’ve always been skeptical — I bought one of these. I find the coffee a bit watery unless you use the “Extra Bold” varieties, but then it’s fine. There’s also a filter that lets you use your own coffee varieties, and just pack in a bit more. I’ve had it for a couple of weeks now and I think I’ll keep it. It’s especially nice for brewing up a cup of decaf at night as a lower-calorie substitute for a beer or wine.

UPDATE: Kim du Toit writes:

With three serious coffee-drinkers in our house, we used to have a Bunn restaurant-style coffeemaker, because the total cost per cup was about 20c.

Until we realized that because we used to throw out the stale coffee and make a new pot, the ACTUAL cost per cup was closer to 75 cents.

And like you, sometimes we’d just want a decaf or something else. And a whole pot was a waste.

Enter Keurig. About a year ago, we got the Platinum model, and we’ve been singing its praises loudly ever since. We have our own favorites: The Mrs. likes hers strong (Van Houten European), I like the weaker “diner” stuff (Timothy’s Donut Blend), Daughter likes chai, #1 Son likes the occasional white chocolate, #2 Son decaf, and so on.

But the best is when it’s cold outside, and then it’s out with the hot apple cider, or an after-dinner espresso. Which is the whole point.

We have about a dozen different kinds of drink handy — coffees, flavored coffees, teas, iced tea mix, cocoas, hot chocolate, apple cider — so anyone can have anything they want, at any time. 24/7 in our house, somebody has some kind of Keurig-made drink next to them.

Choice, baby. That’s Keurig.

I haven’t tried the others, except for the hot chocolate. But I do like the flexibility.

UPDATE: Reader Dan Carr writes: “Had stopped drinking coffee at home until I received a Keurig at Christmas ’09, enjoying it ever since. Recommend Emeril’s Big Easy Bold and Jet Fuel.” Jet Fuel, eh? I rather like the sound of that.