SARAH PALIN’S Trig Letter.

UPDATE: Reader John Russell writes:

Last night reading Harnden’s Torygraph piece, when he commented that after all that she could only emerge from the stunt with her reputation enhanced, I thought well, this is more proof that God has a wicked sense of humor (or, for the Telegraph, humour). The media stage the world’s largest “Chinese fire drill” looking for something, ANYTHING, to skewer her with and after a truckload of emails she didn’t think anyone would ever read she comes across as honest, forthright, funny, and smart. A brunette Carol Lombard in My Man Godfrey.

Coming right on the heels of Breitbart’s absolute skewering of them this was just too good. Wouldn’t it, I daydreamed, be funny if, after covering up for Edwards and Weiner as long as they could, only to have them be revealed as real schmucks, and embargoing any mention of Jeremiah Wright during the campaign, they discover that they had possibly elevated the object of their scorn, hatred, and derision to something as close to sainthood as one can get in politics.

Then I followed your link to the LAT piece. First time reading about a politician brought tears to my eyes. Well, tears of gladness, wonder, instead of frustration or ridicule. Thank you.

You’re welcome. But you know, I just linked it. She wrote it.