MICKEY KAUS: Weiner not the only one heading for rehab:

Markos Moulitsas, founder of the Daily Kos, said he would request a leave of absence from his popular group blog to learn what he called “partisan aggression management.” ”Twice now–with John Edwards and Anthony Weiner–I’ve defended pretty obviously guilty Democrats by approving nasty arguments attacking their critics–arguments that turned out to be wrong. I thought I was fighting back, but I brought nothing but humiliation and disgrace to myself and my party. The truth comes out eventually. I hadn’t taken that into account. I have departed this morning to seek professional treatment to focus on becoming a better blogger and healthier person.”

More rehabbers at the link. Plus this observation: “The ‘it’s only sex’ Weiner defense and the ‘he’s seeking therapy for his illness’ defense sit uncomfortably together, no? I think maybe you have to pick one or the other!”

UPDATE: Reader John Mitchell emails: “Understanding that Mickey Kaus’ piece was entirely satirical and sarcastic, I would have thought for sure that Kos would also admit he needs counseling for nearly trampling other lefty bloggers in the race to pin the Giffords shooting on Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, and everyone who voted Republican in 2010. It’s one thing to stand up for louts like Edwards and Weiner, but quite another to implicate millions of Americans in an attempted assassination.”

Let’s not dwell on the past. The important thing is that he’s getting satirical help now.