YEAH, WE’VE BEEN ASSEMBLING FURNITURE. Not only a computer desk, but a file cabinet/credenza. (An office chair, too, but that didn’t take very much in the way of actual assembly). The desk was nicely set up, with all the parts clearly labeled and with straightforward instructions. The credenza, on the other hand, came with bags of loose, unlabeled parts and instructions written in several languages, one of which was probably intended to be English, along with crude and hard-to-read drawings. It turned out okay, and honestly wasn’t that bad, but I just don’t like doing this any more.

When I lived in DC my apartment looked like an Ikea showroom, and I didn’t mind putting furniture together so much. Nowadays, I’m pretty much over it. I’m sure it helps keep my manual skills up to snuff but I think I’m just offended when stuff is poorly packaged and presented.