OOPS: Bloomberg’s Bubble Bursts: Voters Finally Realize That There’s No There There. I’m no fan of Bloomberg’s — he’s a vapid nannyist. But I think New York voters elected him (as Chicago voters did with Rahm Emanuel) not because of his virtues, but because the alternative was someone from the usual gang of hacks.

UPDATE: A Wall Street reader emails:

Taxpaying New Yorkers would much rather have an administratively competent mayor with dilettante nanny proclivities than a member of the insane clown posse of local clubhouse goons. Recall the snow removal debacle was not caused by Bloomberg’s inaction, but by a sanitation union conspiracy to frame the mayor.

I disagree strongly with Mayor Mike on things like the second amendment…but it’s a great trade for New Yorkers to let him have a bully pulpit for his nonsense, in return for his excellent management of the city apparatus.

Well, I think part of the argument in the piece is that his management has fallen down. It’s still well above insane-clown-posse levels, though. . . .