CHANGE: House follows Senate, passes noise bil for electric cars and hybrids. As long as I can get that Jetsons-style bleebling sound.

UPDATE: Yeah, this is what I mean! Thanks to reader C.J. Burch for the link.

And reader Art Welling writes:

I am working with some of my students to build an electric car (go-cart of unGodly speed). One thing I noticed on the second test run, and we fixed at once…. the darn thing is silent as a ghost. I had visions of cars backing out in front of this cart, having never heard it coming along at ludicrous speeds.

I had the boys wire a horn circuit and install a horn. Two horns, actually. Loud ones.

All that said, is there really NOTHING more important for those highly paid legislators to deal with down in that swamp on the Potomac?

Look at it this way: While they were passing this, they were, briefly, doing no harm elsewhere.