CHANGE: Things are going badly for Obama’s prosecutors in their first effort at trying a Guantanamo detainee in federal court.

UPDATE: Tom Maguire comments:

Well, if it is a surprise then maybe our Attorney General and former Constitutional Law lecturer look imprudent rather than ignorant. I’m feeling better already!

And speaking of feeling better, we learn that the streets will remain safe regardless of the outcome of this show trial:

Judge Kaplan added that Mr. Ghailani’s status as an “ ‘enemy combatant’ probably would permit his detention as something akin to a prisoner of war until hostilities between the United States and Al Qaeda and the Taliban end, even if he were found not guilty.

So “Not Guilty” won’t equal freedom for Ghalani,who is headed back to detention regardless of what twelve good men and true decide. I am surprised that libs consider this sort of show the way to enhance America’s stature in the world, but then, I have never claimed to be smart enough to be a lib.

The war on terror is in the very best of hands.