A ONE-DAY ONLY SALE: Firefly: The Complete Series on Blu-Ray for $26.99. (Bumped, because people seemed excited to hear of this.)

UPDATE: Reader Mary Kay Rohrbach writes:

Add my “thank-you” to the list. I just recently began to watch Firefly – slowly going through the discs via Netflix (when my darling hubby doesn’t bump me from the list). I’m about halfway through the series –but the Amazon deal is too good to pass up. It will arrive in a couple of days.

I believe Firefly came onto my radar through Instapundit.

And I signed up for Amazon prime because you recommended it.

I assume you understand the impact you are having on a certain segment of our culture?

Well, I try to promote the good stuff. Long-term, things thrive when people buy them, and waste away when they don’t.