WaPo Ombudsman: Why the silence from The Post on Black Panther Party story? I think we know why, but thanks for noticing.

Joe The Plumber Fixes BP Oil Leak. Okay, a different Joe The Plumber. But still.

More non-newsworthy violence. Must fit the narrative to be newsworthy.

A dangerous disaffection.

Critiquing the design of the new DOJ website. Black is the new black.

Dodd-Frank and the Nondelegation Doctrine.

GOP Dumps On Tea Party, Right-Blogs. It’s called the “stupid party” for a reason. On the other hand, beware divide-and-conquer journalism . . .

“Te Amo.”

John Galt was unavailable for comment.

Generation Y’s Empty Piggy Bank.

Angelo Codevilla: America’s Ruling Class — And The Perils Of Revolution. Related thoughts here.

U.S. Government Orders 73,000 Private Websites Offline.

The Labor Movement in, er, action.

Is The United States Ready For The Next Big Quake? No.