VIA LIKETOTALLY80S.COM I see that it’s the 25th anniversary of Live Aid. I watched a lot of that while studying for the bar; I still have videotapes somewhere. Freddie Mercury put on the best performance of his life, as I recall. I remember that it seemed so high-tech at the time. . . .
UPDATE: Reader Kate Purzycki writes:
You are so right about Freddy Mercury and Live Aid. I was a few months pregnant with my daughter at the time and suffered from horrible morning sickness. I remember being stretched out on the sofa for hours on end during those days and on that particular day watching Live Aid. When Queen came on and Freddy began to sing, I forgot about my morning sickness and was mesmerized by what I believe was his greatest performance ever. I can still see the fans in Wembly Stadium clapping in time to Radio Gaga. I will always be grateful to Freddy for those few moments of respite.
Time does fly. And I have on occasion done the spike-mike trick while speaking, though not to the same effect as Freddie. . . .