MARC AMBINDER: Obama Surrogates Urged to Mention Eagleton. If this is really their strategy, they may want to rethink. I’m just taking a guess here, but I’ll bet that if Eagleton had polled as the most popular national-ticket politician in 1972, McGovern would have kept him.

Of course, McGovern later said he should have kept him anyway. And Ann Althouse comments:

I remember the McGovern campaign. I was a big supporter of McGovern’s, and I hated Nixon, as did all of my friends. And the scenario then was completely different from what you are seeing now. We were never excited about Eagleton in the first place. We just wanted McGovern to win. Eagleton didn’t infuse new energy into the McGovern campaign or jazz up am important subset of voters. He was just some boring Senator that got slotted in. . . .

The Palin candidacy has virtually nothing in common with the Eagleton scenario, and the people who are saying it does are displaying their desperation. Obviously — I’m not the first to say this — if you want McCain to lose and you think she’s so terrible, you should be happy to see Palin as the VP nominee. It will help defeat McCain.
