GRASSROOTS FUNDRAISING: “As in other recent campaigns, lawyers account for the biggest chunk of Democratic donations.” Nobody’s more grassrootsy than us lawyers! We’re the salt of the Earth. But it’s not just lawyers: “When you break it out by individual companies, you find that employees of Goldman Sachs gave more to Obama than workers of any other employer. The Goldman Sachs geniuses are followed by employees of the University of California, UBS, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, National Amusements, Lehman Brothers, Harvard and Google.” But there’s a catch: “If Obama’s tax plans go through, those affluent donors could wind up giving over 50 percent of their income to the federal government.” More evidence that people vote their emotions and identities, not their interests, I guess. Or else they don’t expect those tax hikes to materialize, or expect them to be countervailed by other policies.
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