kh1.jpgFROM THE GLOBE-GIRDLING NETWORK of sometime InstaPundit correspondents who are also ex-girlfriends comes this mideast report:

Hey Glenn! My husband and I have just returned from 3 weeks in Egypt and Israel. We rode camels, cruised the Nile, climbed Mt. Sinai, floated in the Dead Sea, sailed the Sea of Galilee, AND I got a cool roman necklace at Har Megiddo. Anyway, it was fascinating to see how most of the Arab world is supporting Obama, while the Israelis that we talked to hoped that McCain wins. Here are a couple of photos from Old Jerusalem, showing Obama posters on the door of an antique shop.

When we arrived in Jerusalem, we were staying at the Ambassador Hotel in the Palestinian section. I ran out of hairspray, so I went down to the front desk to inquire as to where I might find a pharmacy. They gave us directions, and Steve and I walked about a mile. We found the pharmacy closed, but there was a Beauty Salon right next door, so we went in. Eight women leaped up and started yelling that “lalalalalala” sound, and screaming that Steve couldn’t be in there! They were Muslim women, with their headcoverings off because they were having their hair done. Poor Steve RAN out into the street, and the women invited me for coffee and sold me a can of the best hairspray I’ve ever used. It was one of the high points of my trip, but not one of Steve’s.

Oops. Cool photo. And who knew that when I was dating back in college I was actually, even then, helping to build the blog?