SOME DUBIOUS WAR REPORTING FROM LEBANON at NRO. Note, however, the difference between NRO’s response and TNR’s.

UPDATE: Ed Morrissey notes the difference:

Every publication eventually makes a big enough error to warrant a retraction and an apology. Even here at CapQ, I’ve had to do it a few times, and believe me, it never feels good. One has to resist the urge to rationalize mistakes and spin enough to avoid admitting error. Just as with customer service, where I often described my management position as “professional apologizer”, editors have to bite the bullet and admit error to maintain organizational credibility.

Kathryn Jean Lopez did so here. Notice that she did not blame the critics for pointing out the error or assume that the criticism was motivated by some sort of conspiracy. She didn’t, in essence, blame the customer for a faulty product. She took quick action to investigate, found obvious shortcomings, and issued an apology and a detailed accounting of the problem.

Had Franklin Foer done that when the story fell apart at TNR, he could have not just saved the magazine from a credibility collapse, he could have enhanced its standing. Instead of acting professionally, he assumed the Nixonian posture that anyone questioning TNR’s product must automatically be an enemy against whom all defenses were necessary. Instead, even in an apology, he couldn’t help blaming the customers for a shoddy product.

Incidentally, I share Michelle’s analysis of the failure at The Tank. It was poor work, and it has been highlighted as such.


ANOTHER UPDATE: More here. “At the very least, Smith has earned a suspension from NRO, but considering the magnitude of his fabrications, termination seems warranted.”