SOME INTERESTING poll results from Afghanistan: “In a poll of Afghans conducted by Environics Research on behalf of The Globe and Mail, the CBC and La Presse, respondents expressed optimism about the future, strong support for the government of President Hamid Karzai and appreciation for the work being done by NATO countries in improving security.”
I’m surprised this hasn’t gotten more attention.
UPDATE: Montreal reader Greg Gransden emails: “What’s ironic about these numbers is that they essentially contradict virtually all of the CBC’s own reporting over the past few years, which has been relentlessly downbeat and negative. We keep hearing that Afghans are disappointed and frustrated with the Canadian air effort, that they perceive Canadian soldiers as occupiers and that they’re disillusioned with the Karzai government. Now the CBC’s own opinion poll shows this meme to be completely false. And the CBC’s not the only MSM outlet that’s been pushing this narrative… I suspect that’s why we’re not hearing more about it.”