WOMAN CHARGED FOR YELLING AT OVERFLOWING TOILET — in her own home. “I think it’s pretty clear that Herb isn’t guilty of disorderly conduct. Herb and her daughter were at home, and it sounds like the neighbor was the only one else around. Annoying your neighbor by being really noisy may be inconsiderate. But it’s not the crime of disorderly conduct, even if your annoyed neighbor happens to be a police officer.”
The proper response is a lawsuit, and every other form of legal torment than can be visited upon the neighbor. At least, that’s what I’d do in that situation.
UPDATE: Reader David Gulliver is confused, and it’s my fault:
No, the proper response is offering to help your next door neighbor instead of complaining about it. If the cop had offered to bring over a mop and help, the problem would never have existed.
This is why I hate lawyers.
The “neighbor” I was talking about suing was the cop. Set the law on me, and I’ll return the favor. Likewise if you show up with a mop.