MICHAEL MOORE: The less you know, the more you like his films! And vice versa, apparently:

Michael Moore received a standing — and sustained — ovation following the screening of his latest documentary, Sicko, at the Cannes Film Festival Saturday. But some critics suggested that in censuring the U.S. health system, Moore was overly generous in his praise of other countries’. At a news conference, Canadian journalists harangued Moore for, as Toronto Star film critic Peter Howell wrote, making “it seem as if Canada’s socialized medicine is flawless and that Canadians are satisfied with the status quo.” Apparently taken aback by the assault from the Canadian journalists, Moore said, “You Canadians! You used to be so funny! … You gave us all our best comedians. When did you turn so dark?”

I don’t know, maybe three years on a waiting list for hemorrhoid surgery will do that to you . . . .