UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA LAW PROFESSOR JOSEPH KENNEDY looks at possible criminal charges against Mike Nifong:
Obstruction of justice is a felony in North Carolina if it’s committed with the intent to deceive. The state bar has accused Nifong of intentionally excluding the exculpatory DNA results from his expert’s report and of subsequently misleading the trial judge as to their existence. If Nifong really intended to deceive the judge and the defense in order to prevent the introduction of those results into evidence at trial, he committed this felony.
Read the whole thing. It’s unusual for prosecutors to be prosecuted, to say the least. There are good reasons for such reluctance — not wanting to second-guess often-difficult decisions. There are also bad reasons — self-dealing in the prosecutorial biz. But the Nifong case is also unusual, so I suppose prosecution here is possible. His behavior certainly seems to have been outrageous.
UPDATE: Some Nifong FAQs from Dean Barnett.