THE POWAY SYNAGOGUE MURDERER ALSO MADE CRAZY CLAIMS OF JEWS ENGAGING IN GENOCIDE: Williams College Students: Why we opposed WIFI [Williams Initiative For Israel]: Challenging WIFI’s complicity in state violence.

There are few nuttier claims out there than the allegation that Israel, with one of the strongest militaries in a world, that could easily wipe out tens of thousands a in few hours, is engaging in genocide against an ever growing Palestinian population that has never suffered anything like tens of thousands of deaths, even over the course of a decades-long conflict with Israel. In the bloodiest years of Palestinian-Israeli conflict since the 1948 partition, 2000-2014, which included the Second Intifada and two wars in Gaza, a grand total of around seven thousand Palestinians were killed (and over 1,000 Israelis), mostly terrorists on the Palestinian side, mostly civilians on the Israeli side.

Nevertheless, the Williams students in question–Yousef Al-Amassi, Joseph Moore, Omar Kawam, Jesus Payan, Soban Mehmood, Kai Soto-Dessen, Mohazzab Abdullah, Ted McNally, Max Wu, Eliza Klein, and Seynabou Diop, for the record–double and triple down on the allegation of genocide, putting them in the intellectual company of the Poway murderer, who complained of Jews’ alleged propensity for “genocidal” behavior.

I’m guessing, perhaps charitably, that these students have no idea that are mimicking centuries of antisemitic blood libels against Jews, including among those from contemporary violent white nationalists. But with Yom HaShoah just ending, someone ought to let them know.