Biden’s humiliating blunder has deadly consequences for those left behind, including American citizens and deserving Afghans promised protection and safe harbor for their service to U.S. and NATO forces.

Mid-term, democracies worldwide will confront reinvigorated militant Islamist terrorist organizations (now armed with U.S. equipment). Communist China is already arguing Biden’s bugout demonstrates American promises are unreliable. Long-term, Taiwan and South Korea take note.

No-Brainer No. 1, Biden: Don’t leave a war zone until you’ve secured every American citizen. As of Aug. 24, U.S. citizens remain in Helmand province, the city of Kandahar and in Kabul — but you don’t know how many.

No-Brainer No. 2: The military withdraws last, after you evacuate citizens and eligible foreign nationals. No-Brainer No. 3: When altered ground conditions threaten American lives, even a subpar president demands flexibility and backs the demand with power. A third-rate piker president would have told the Taliban, “We tell you when we withdraw, you don’t tell us.”

No-Brainer 4, Joe: I just gave you an alternative Course of Action. To avoid fourth-rate failure status, you could still take it, even after your absurd Aug. 24 speech.

It’s my latest Creators Syndicate column. Unfortunately there are a couple of minor editing errors, and those do get through occasionally. No Brainer #5 (also directed at White House resident Joe) is mislabeled as 3. The typo will be corrected. Slow Joe needs a complete correction, but I don’t see that happening.

UPDATE: How about that. Insta-corrections!