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COME AND SEE THE VIOLENCE INHERENT IN THE LEFTISM: British Beer Co. Advocates Hitting Conservatives Over The Head With Bricks.

Meanwhile, in the colonies, CBS on Throwing Milkshakes at ‘Right-Wing’: Sure It ‘Feels Great.’

I imagine if this tactic was ever adopted by the right, CBS’s newsreaders would rapidly change their mind. Or as Jim Treacher writes, “I sincerely hope that Tom Peck, Jonn Elledge, and everybody else who applauds this wave of ‘milkshaking’ can avoid having any frosty confections hurled at them as they walk down the street. Not only because it’s wrong, but because the cognitive dissonance, as they try to explain why such an act is no longer tolerable, might drive them crazy.*”

Earlier: Farage Fallout: Burger King UK Accused of Promoting Political Violence in Scotland With Tweets Promoting “Fun” Milkshakes.


Local media reports say more than 150 people took part in the rally against University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson. He has come under fire for refusing to use gender-neutral pronouns and opposing Bill C-16, which extends legal protections to transgender people in Canada.

Police say the woman, who isn’t a student at Queen’s, stood on one of the building’s window ledges during the protest and started to bang on the window, causing it to break and cutting her hand.

* * * * * * *

Police add that the woman also tried to kick out the cruiser’s window while she was being transported to police headquarters.

Officials say officers searched her backpack and found a weapon — a metal wire with handles commonly known as a garrotte.”

A garrotte is “a crude weapon used to strangle a person. That is: to kill them by strangulation,” Rod Dreher adds.

As Kurt Schlichter writes, “Progressives Must Stop Using Terror To Try And Intimidate Conservatives.”

(Classical reference in headline.)

HERE WE SEE THE VIOLENCE inherent in the system. As always, it’s the opposite of what’s portrayed.

ROGER SIMON: Why the Violence Would Increase under Biden.

When it comes to killing and mayhem, leftism wins the day by a giant margin. Nothing remotely compares, not even ISIS that was only able to muster 20,000 murders in Iraq over two years.  Somehow, the blood lust inherent in leftism is largely uncontrollable (cf. the French Revolution), ditto the level of suppression as we can see from today’s China where concentration camps still exist—incredible as that may seem after Auschwitz—housing upwards of a million people.

Joe Biden is the last person to do something about this. As noted, he didn’t have the gumption to mention a word about the violence in our cities (or of China for that matter) in his speech. Why would he have the courage do something about either of them, especially imprisoned as he is by his left flank?

Just the other day, “Squad” stalwart congresswoman Aryanna Pressley called for continued “unrest,” not that she really had to. Violence tends to feed on itself and grow when not strongly opposed (cf. The French Revolution again).

For that reason alone a Biden administration is likely to see more of it than a second Trump administration.

Read  the whole thing.

THE SELECTIVE ARGUMENT THAT POLITICAL RHETORIC LEADS TO VIOLENCE: Jim Geraghty lists “The On-Again, Off-Again Arguments About ‘Dangerous Rhetoric’ Leading to Violence,” before concluding:

Do I have all that right? And does that make sense to anyone?

Wouldn’t Occam’s Razor suggest that those already driven by a desire or compulsion to kill other people are going to do so, and will merely latch on to whatever “reason”, justification or excuse is at hand or is most convenient? Isn’t it ridiculous to expect sane people to watch what they say and restrict what thoughts they express in order to prevent a rampage by someone with an inherently illogical, literally unreasonable, not-sane thinking process?

Isn’t “don’t say what you think, because it might set off a crazy person” the most insidious form of censorship, because none of us can really know what prompts a crazy person to go on a violent rampage?

Ace of Spades adds:

The Colorado governor says that the Planned Parenthood shooting is due to the rhetoric of “talk radio” and “bloggers.”

Ed Morrissey catches the Washington Post saying the same thing.

He notes an example where the left does not find its own hot rhetoric linked to a murderer’s rampage — the Family Research Council shooter. I can name another one — the Discover Channel Shooter, a shooter the left seized upon initially because they assumed he was rightwing, then discarded quickly when his manifesto indicated that he was so left-wing on climate change he thought the Discovery Channel was too soft in its climate change propaganda.

Gabriel Malor has documented the left’s “incurable” disease of blaming shootings on right-wing speech.

But never, ever on leftwing speech — obviously! Leftwing speech never inspires violence. Except when it does. And there’s an interesting argument to explain why, and that argument is complete media silence.

I find this part of the left’s broader mission of shutting down any thought of which they don’t approve. The left routinely — reflexively — links any sort of political thought they don’t like into a dire real-world consequence or crime.

If you deny the fake 1-in-5 claim, you’re encouraging rape.

If you publicize the fact that baby organs are in fact being harvested at Planned Parenthood, you’re encouraging shooting.

If you call a woman “bossy,” you’re both fostering an anti-woman “atmosphere” and encouraging violent crimes against women.

And so on. As I say, the left’s own hot rhetoric — that we need to reduce the human population to save us from global warming; that anyone who disagrees with this is a “denier” like a Holocaust denier; etc., etc. — is never, apparently, linked to any violence.

Well, that doesn’t help advance the DNC-MSM narrative; when it comes to their coverage of the other side of the aisle, as Andrew Klavan noted in 2009, all of their memes can be boiled down to two words:

Related: “These are some astounding facts about violence this year in Chicago,” Betsy Newmark notes:

As of November 23, there had been 2703 shootings which resulted in 440 deaths year-to date in heavily gun-controlled Chicago.

That is an increase of approximately 400 shootings over the same time last year.

And remember that Chicago has some of the most stringent gun control measures in the nation in a city that has been under totally Democratic control for decades.

Doesn’t fit the narrative; makes Obama and Rahm look bad. Thus memory holed in order to continue “defining deviancy downward,” to coin a phrase.

NEW DEFINITIONS of violence and civilization.Violence. A word Ms Gopal uses no fewer than nine times. Fiscal responsibility, albeit belated, is violence, see? Reducing the national debt is violence. Extending credit for tuition fees is violence. Attempting to contain the growth of the state – enlarged by around 30% under New Labour – that’s violence too. Audacious, isn’t it? Ms Gopal, who ‘teaches in the Faculty of English at the University of Cambridge,’ has casually redefined violence to include practically anything to which she takes political exception.” Well, if that’s the definition, put me down as pro-violence. A lot of other people may feel the same way, but beware of definitional creep, which is already showing up in the comments. . . .

UPDATE: I like this from the comments:

Georg’s Law: As any Liberal drifts closer to idiocy, their language drifts closer to a Monty Python skit.

DENNIS: Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system. ARTHUR: Shut up!

Heh. Though Ms. Gopal seems more a fascist apologist than a traditional liberal. Plus, on a more serious note:

There is a very dangerous subtext to defining budget cuts as “violence.”

In almost all moral systems, it is permissible to use violence in response to violence. Therefore, if you define non-violent action as violence, then you create a moral justification for using violence in response to non-violent actions. By equating non-violent budgeting disagreements with overt acts of violence, [Gopal] is creating a rationale for killing people just because they disagree with her on minor political issues.

This is the primary rationale used by violently oppressive and mass murdering regimes. They justify police states and mass killings by equating non-violent opposition or even failure to overtly and publicly disagree with a physical attack on the whole of society.

Of course, her belief that disagreeing with her is a transgression deserving of a violent response, is really just a statement of her own narcissism and hubris. She thinks herself so fantastically intelligent, moral and infallible that her word alone defines the greater good to such an extent that frustrating her will is a crime punishable by death.

She should hope that such an attitude does not spread too far.

THE VIOLENCE POLICY CENTER continues its ongoing effort to shred what little credibility it has left, with its “Alexander Hamilton essay contest,” in which students are invited to write essays explaining why the Second Amendment doesn’t actually give people any rights. But while there is — to me at least — something inherently suspect in an essay contest that’s explicitly anti-constitutional-rights, that’s not the credibility shredder. It’s the name: VPC says it named the contest after Alexander Hamilton because (by dying in a duel with Aaron Burr) he was a “victim of handgun violence.”

Eugene Volokh observes:

Wow, a victim of handgun violence. In some sense, I suppose, it’s true — he was killed in a violent act with a handgun. But surely if the NRA wanted to have a poster child for its “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” campaign, Hamilton would be top of the list! First, what Hamilton did was already illegal — dueling was and is attempted murder (or, in Burr’s case, actual murder). Can you imagine the scenario? “Mr. Burr, I would fight a duel with you, notwithstanding that dueling is a crime — but because handguns are illegal, I cannot.”

Second, surely dueling (especially in the early 1800s) was one situation where if people didn’t have guns, they’d use something else instead, and pretty much as effectively. I haven’t seen the statistics, but my sense is that a wound from a sword in 1804 would have been about as deadly as a wound from a pistol. (Pistols may be more lethal than bladed weapons, then as well as today, because it’s easier to run away from a bladed weapon — but that factor, which might be relevant to modern gun control debates, is surely completely irrelevant to a duel.)

Whatever one may say about Hamilton’s death, it most assuredly provides zero support for gun control proposals. Blaming the gun — as opposed to blaming Hamilton himself, blaming Burr, blaming social attitudes that tolerated or encouraged dueling, or whatever else — in this case is almost self-parody. If the NRA were trying to mock the anti-gun forces by putting ridiculous words in their mouths, it would be hard for them to beat “Hamilton was himself a victim of handgun violence.”

Yes, but the VPC’s descent into self-parody (there’s no “almost” about it) has become so steep that it has undoubtedly gone beyond anything the NRA could think up.