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TEACH WOMEN NOT TO RAPE! (CONT’D): Prosecutor: Highline teacher raped boy living in her home. “Formerly touted as one of Washington’s best teachers, Darcy M. Smith is now accused of abusing a boy for more than two years. The boy told investigators Smith, 41, first had sex with him when he was 14 and living in her Renton home.”

TEACH WOMEN NOT TO RAPE! (CONT’D): Female drama teacher charged with raping male student. “A former drama teacher accused of raping a 15-year-old student appeared in court Wednesday, facing multiple charges and accusations she manipulated the boy by threatening to kill herself after he exposed their secret relationship. . . . Attorneys for the state said that McCrea coached the boy on what to tell police and urged him to deny everything. They said the two even set up fake Facebook identities, so they could communicate secretly online.”

Plus: Teacher and basketball coach charged with sexually abusing female students. “Cara Labus, 30, met the two alleged victims when they were 14 and 16 while working at a Chicago high school. Labus, who also taught basketball at Jerling Junior High School, is said to have engaged in sexual acts with the two.”

Related: Have Teacher-Student Sex Crimes Become A National Crisis? “In October, a male victim of rape by a female teacher killed himself seven years after his initial report to the school district superintendent failed to lead to her arrest, and in 2014, eight different teachers accused of being in relationships with students eventually committed suicide. ‘These are devastating, life-alternating and sometimes life-ending crimes,’ says Abbott.”

I think the gender imbalance has created a culture of female entitlement in schools. We obviously need federal Title IX-type legislation to force equality. For the children. #EndTeacherRapeCulture!

TEACH WOMEN NOT TO RAPE! (CONT’D): Vancouver teacher accused of raping student released from jail. “An Evergreen High School teacher accused of raping a 15-year-old student appeared in court Wednesday and then posted bail hours later. According to state prosecutors, Stephanie McCrea manipulated the boy during their nearly two-month relationship, threatened to kill herself and then attempted suicide two weeks ago. In court, McCrea stood stoic and said very little, often looking down at the ground as the judge spoke. She faces several charges, including four counts of child rape, sexual misconduct with a minor and tampering with a witness. . . . A judge on Wednesday set McCrea”s bail at $40,000 and ordered her not to have any contact with minors, except for her 9-year-old son. She was also prohibited from using any type of electronic communication device. She posted bail and was released from the Clark County jail just before 4:30 p.m., refusing to talk to reporters as she walked out.”

I wonder if a male teacher would have gotten such light bail.

TEACH WOMEN NOT TO RAPE! (CONT’D): Belen High School employee arrested, accused of rape.

An Educational Assistant at Belen High School has been arrested on multiple charges including criminal sexual penetration.

New Mexico State Police say agents from the NMSP Investigations Bureau arrested Victoria Baker, 34, Friday after allegedly being sexually invovled with a student. . . .

According to the Valencia County Detention Center, Baker is charged with two counts of child neglect, six counts of criminal sexual penetration, eight counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and one count with tampering with evidence.

Remember, one reason there are so few male teachers is that people are afraid they might be sexual predators.

Related: Sex ed teacher admits to having sex with student in teacher’s lounge. “Daresa Deann Poe, 32, is charged with second-degree rape. . . . Poe teaches seventh grade and high school classes on marriage, child care and family, and consumer sciences, school officials said. She’s also the district’s student advisor for Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America, and a married mother of two.”

TEACH WOMEN NOT TO RAPE! (CONT’D): High School Teachers Allegedly Had Sex With Students on Boozy Beach Trips.

Two Orange County high school teachers were arrested for allegedly having sex with students during two trips at the beach, one overnight, authorities said.

Melody Lippert, 38, and Michelle Ghirelli, 30, were arrested Saturday on suspicion of having sex with students at their school, South Hills High, during trips to the beach where they brought alcohol for the students, Orange County Sheriff’s investigators said Saturday.

Remember, male teachers are scarce because people fear they might be sexual predators.

TEACH WOMEN NOT TO RAPE! (CONT’D): Campbell County Woman Charged With Child Sex Abuse Denied Bond.

Campbell County, A judge has denied bond for a Campbell County woman facing multiple child sex abuse charges. Melissa Edwards faces four felony charges including two counts of taking indecent liberties with a child under the age of 15.

Monday the prosecutor told the court Edwards is obsessed with the 14-year-old boy, with whom she had sexual relations at least four times from late 2013 until December of last year.

She said Edwards admitted to the relationship, attributing it to going through a “change of life” that her hormones were out of control, and she fell in love with the boy, even though she knew it was wrong. She also said it was the boy’s mother who got deputies to investigate, after becoming concerned the relationship between her son and Edwards was “unnatural.”

I’m still not sure if these cases are becoming more common, or are just being reported more often.

TEACH WOMEN NOT TO RAPE! (CONT’D): Molly Shattuck teen sex abuse case heads to court for hearing Wednesday.

The boy told police that Shattuck would pick him up during his lunch breaks from a summer class and that the two would “make out” in the back seat of her Cadillac Escalade. Shattuck would drive him to the parking lot of the T. Rowe Price building in Owings Mills, near the McDonogh School, where both the alleged victim and Shattuck’s oldest son are students, according to the documents.

Shattuck invited the boy to join her and her children and their friends at a rented beach house in Bethany Beach over Labor Day weekend, according to the documents. She gave the boy wine and beer, then pulled him away from the other teenagers by saying he needed to go to bed, the documents allege.

She then brought the boy to her bedroom, stripped down to her underwear and performed oral sex on him, according to the documents. She invited him to have sexual intercourse, documents say, but he decided to leave.

The indictment charged Shattuck with two counts of third-degree rape, which carries a potential sentence of two to 25 years in prison for each count; four counts of unlawful sexual contact in the second degree, which carry a penalty of up to three years in prison; and three counts of providing alcohol to a minor, which carry a fine of $100 to $500 and could lead to an order of community service or imprisonment of up to 60 days.

I’m guessing she won’t do serious time. Reverse the genders, though. . . .

TEACH WOMEN NOT TO RAPE! (CONT’D): Tuscaloosa police charge 23-year-old high school teacher with sexual relationship with student. “Sgt. Brent Blankley, a spokesman for the police department, said investigators from the juvenile division were alerted early this week by the Tuscaloosa City School System of a troubling relationship between a student and teacher at Bryant High School.”

Related: Student-teacher sex: Are more female teachers being charged?

TEACH WOMEN NOT TO RAPE! (CONT’D): Former Duncanville Teacher Charged With Child Sexual Assault.

A former Duncanville High School teacher has been arrested and charged with sexual assault of a child for allegedly having sexual relations with a 15-year-old student.

Elizabeth Ann Ramsey was also charged with “Improper Relationship between Educator and Student”, a second degree felony. She is currently out on $50,000 bond.

An investigation began in November 2014, when Child Protective Services indicated a student at Duncanville High School made an outcry of sexual abuse against his former teacher.

According to an arrest affidavit, the victim says he and Ramsey had consensual sex on multiple occasions and at multiple locations. The locations included the school, Ramsey’s mother’s house in Fort Worth, and Ramsey’s home in Fort Worth.

The victim, now 17, says the first incident occurred when he was 15 and in his sophomore year. The last incident occurred sometime after his 16th birthday.

And yet male teachers are scarce because people fear they might be predators.

TEACH WOMEN NOT TO RAPE! (CONT’D): Fourth teen victim of Utah teacher comes forward alleging sexual assaults.

Yet another victim has marred a former Utah teacher’s rap sheet, accusing Brianne Altice of having sex with a teen after she was arrested in connection to a similar crime. . . .

Altice’s trial was expected to begin last year, but additional victims kept coming forward to report alleged wrongdoing by the former English teacher from Davis High School.

The first victim allegedly seduced by Altice claimed to have sex with the teacher between January 2013 and September 2013, but their inappropriate relationship started with mere kisses between classes. During those months, Altice allegedly had sex with a second victim.

Evidence from the third victim who came forward last month alleging sex abuse in August 2013 and September of 2013 will be presented at a hearing next week.

Remember, one reason male teachers are so rare is that people fear they might be sexual predators.

Related: Connecticut teacher accused of sexual assault re-arrested for threats. “A former Connecticut high school teacher who pleaded guilty to having a sexual relationship with an underage student has been arrested on a separate charge of threatening someone connected to her case, police said Saturday. Danielle Watkins, 32, of Norwalk, was taken into custody on Friday after approaching a former student whom she was barred from contacting and making unspecified threats, according to a police report.”

TEACH WOMEN NOT TO RAPE! (CONT’D): Juveniles Sexually Abused by Staffers at Corrections Facilities: Scandal in Idaho Shines Light on Victimization of Young People by Staff.

When a local nurse’s son was sent to the juvenile corrections center here at age 15, she was upset, but relieved that he would be away from drugs and gangs. The single mother said that the “night he went in, I felt bad, but I could sleep because he was safe.”

But within months, the head of security at the state juvenile corrections center in Nampa struck up a sexual relationship with the teenager, according to police reports. Julie McCormick admitted to having sex with him three times in 2012 while he was incarcerated, the reports said.

Ms. McCormick, 29 years old at the time, told detectives that she fell in love with the boy nearly half her age. She pleaded guilty in 2013 to lewd conduct with the minor and was sentenced to five to 20 years in prison in 2014. A lawyer who represented Ms. McCormick declined to comment.

“You hear about the Boy Scouts, you hear about the Catholic Church—those kids can walk away from it,” said his mother. “My son couldn’t.”

The scandal is an instance of an issue plaguing juvenile facilities nationwide.

National inmate surveys show juveniles experience a rate of sexual victimization by staff that is more than three times that of adult prisoners. Nearly 10% of youth held in state juvenile facilities reported incidents of sexual victimization, with more than 80% of those incidents involving staff, according to a national survey of juvenile inmates published by the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics in 2013 that covered the preceding year. . . .

Staff at Nampa allegedly groomed inmates in the manner of child molesters, according to the legal claims.

One former inmate said in an interview that a nurse gave him perks, such as soda and candy, and flirted with him. That led to sex on several occasions in the medical clinic, he said. She gave him money, then threatened to turn him in for having contraband—the money—if he refused her advances, he said. He was 18 at the time and the nurse, who is accused of having sex with other juveniles at Nampa, was in her mid-30s.

“You’re an easy target,” said the college student, now 24, who didn’t want to be named. “You have to think, ‘Why wouldn’t they do this with some young guy in the street?’ ”

The former nurse, who is named in legal claims and no longer works for the center, couldn’t be reached for comment. Jeff Ray, a spokesman for the Idaho Department of Correction and Idaho Department of Juvenile Corrections, said, “We knew nothing of the allegations” at the time she left the job.

Perpetrators in these cases are often women. About 90% of youth who said they were victimized by staff in the federal survey were males reporting sexual activity with female staff.

Matriarchal privilege.