IRAN FINDS SOMEONE WHO CLAIMS THE CORONAVIRUS IS PART OF AN AMERICAN INFO OP: And if you read what the guy says, he thinks it’s a covert operation. MSN News sources this to the Iran Daily. Who is Scott Bennett? You tell me.

Scott Bennett said that “this is a fabricated psychological operation that has been coordinated with an actual physical sickness to spread fear, panic and intimidation in the Chinese economic markets with the purpose of isolating China and disrupting the Chinese-Russian-Iranian economic, military alliance that we’ve seen in their patrols in the Persian Gulf, and their solidarity in the defense of Syria from the… regimes of Recep Erdogan and Turkey, Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, and Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli Zionist state, and the purpose was to create a disruption that would fracture this alliance for Western exploitation.”

What rhetoric. He doesn’t stop there, he even implicates Big Pharma. Everybody and the kitchen sink!

VERY RELATED: Iran’s ‘Death to America’ Ayatollahs in an Epidemic Bind. In Iran “Senior leaders themselves may be responsible for spreading the disease.” It’s my latest Creators Syndicate column.