IN THE MAIL: Joanne Lipman’s “That’s What She Said“, about how we might be able to discuss gender issues in the workplace without being lectured at or reliance on divisive language. Lipman was Gannett’s Chief Content Officer and a veteran journalist at The Wall Street Journal among other places. Here’s the promising part from the jacket notes:

“First things first: there will be no man-shaming in “That’s What She Said.” A recent Harvard study found that corporate “diversity training” has actually made the gender gap worse — in part because it makes men feel demonized. Women, meanwhile, have been told that closing the gender gap is up to them: they need to speak, to be more confident, to demand to be paid what they’re worth. They discuss these issues amongst themselves all the time. What they don’t do is talk to men about it.”

It will be interesting to see the reaction to her work, given that the squeaky wheel of confrontation and currency of victimhood has paid off for a few, (*ahem*, Lisa Bloom) without making a real dent in the overall problem. Here’s hoping calm, intelligent and rational dialogue without demonization wins the day.