Author Archive: Virginia Postrel

STAR WARS MEETS KEN BURNS: Dan Drezner and a couple of friends have put together a delightful parody of Ken Burns’s Civil War series, using the Star Wars civil war instead of the real-world one. It’s a happy reminder of a phenomenon I first wrote about in 1998 whose positive aspects have become too easy to forget in today’s grouchy environments. Dan writes:

But the above video should also remind us of one of the Internet’s glories: It’s the place to discover that there are other people out there who share your enthusiasms, and can help you express those enthusiasms in socially tolerant ways. Yes, LOTS of people are “Star Wars” fans, but only a small fraction of these people probably “get” the idea of mashing up “Star Wars” with a 25-year-old PBS civil war documentary. In the pre-Internet age, I suspect Rosenberg, Bunch and I would have just kept these quirky thoughts to ourselves, unaware that others might share the same goofball enthusiasm. Thanks to the Long Tail, however, we have discovered that we were not alone. And discovering that you are not alone is a pretty wonderful feeling in this galaxy.

I can’t figure out how to get PJ Media and the WaPo site to cooperate with an embedded video, but you can see the here.

NEED A HOSTESS OR HOLIDAY GIFT? Here’s one that looks pretty on the coffee table but is still full of actual words and ideas. Good for guys too! (It says so right in the Amazon reviews.)

UPDATE: Thanks to the wonderful readers of InstaPundit, Amazon actually sold out of the book for a couple of days. It’s now back in stock.

UPDATE ON THE UPDATE: And now it’s out of stock again, until 12/23. You folks are amazing (or Amazon restocked with just a couple of books).

DID L.A. SCHOOLS OVERREACT? The NYC schools received a similar threat and deemed it a hoax.

A New York superintendent received the threat early Tuesday morning, [NYPD Commissioner Bill] Bratton said. De Blasio said the threat was specific, and Bratton said it appears to have come from overseas. The NYPD began an immediate investigation with the Joint Terrorism Task Force and the FBI.

Bratton said one indication that the email is a hoax is that Allah was not spelled with a capital “A.”

“The language in the email would lead us to believe that this is not a jihadist initiative,” he said. ” … That would be incredible to think that any jihadist would not spell Allah with a capital ‘A.’”

Latest report is that the threat originated from an IP address in Frankfurt, Germany. The LAUSD has 700,000 students and only announced the closure this morning. Think of the child care issues for working parents.

SINGULARITY GLAMOUR: Affectionately spoofed with a big dose of ’80s style, from Dorian Electra.

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THOSE OXO TONGS ARE GREAT: Megan McArdle’s invaluable annual guide to kitchen gifts. (No Amazon Affiliates links allowed on Bloomberg View, so if you see something you like consider coming back via one of Instapundit’s links.)

“NO SECRET REMAINS FOREVER:” Wired seems to have identified the mysterious creator of Bitcoin as Australian polymath and autodidact extraordinaire Craig Steven Wright, in part using documents he may have leaked himself. (Gizmodo, which also received some documents, concurs.) No sooner had the Wired story hit the web than Australian police hit Wright’s house, in what they said was an ongoing tax investigation. Read the Wired story here.

NOT JUST WOODROW WILSON: Pretty much everything Donald Trump says was said in more stately and respectable prose by early-20th-century academics. My latest Bloomberg View column draws on the forthcoming intellectual history Illiberal Reformers: Race, Eugenics, and American Economics in the Progressive Era (plus a host of pre-1923 sources easily available through Google Books):

Early 20th-century progressives transformed American institutions, and the movement’s premises continue to inform thinking and policy across the political spectrum. “It was the progressives who fashioned the new sciences of society, founded the modern American university, invented the think tank, and created the American administrative state, institutions still defined by the progressive values that formed and instructed them,” writes Leonard, a research scholar at Princeton’s Council of the Humanities.

The progressives believed, first and foremost, in the importance of science and scientific experts in guiding the economy, government, and society. Against the selfishness, disorder, corruption, ignorance, conflict and wastefulness of free markets or mass democracy, they advanced the ideal of disinterested, public-spirited social control by well-educated elites. The progressives were technocrats who, Leonard observes, “agreed that expert public administrators do not merely serve the common good, they also identify the common good.” Schools of public administration, including the one that since 1948 has borne Woodrow Wilson’s name, still enshrine that conviction.

Leonard also brings to light an embarrassing truth: In the early 20th century, the progressive definition of the common good was thoroughly infused with scientific racism. Harvard economist William Z. Ripley, for example, was a recognized expert on both railroad regulation and the classification of European races by coloring, stature and “cephalic index,” or head shape. At the University of Wisconsin, the red-hot center of progressive thought, leading social scientists turned out economic-reform proposals along with works parsing the racial characteristics — and supposed natural inferiority — of blacks, Chinese, and non-Teutonic European immigrants. (Present-day progressives somehow didn’t highlight this heritage when they were defending “the Wisconsin Idea” against the depredations of Republican Governor Scott Walker.)

The University of Wisconsin has a lot to be embarrassed about. At least The Donald doesn’t talk about “race suicide.” Read the rest of the column here.

RARE FIRST EDITION KING JAMES BIBLE DISCOVERED: At Drew University in New Jersey. Nothing’s more lost than something misfiled or, in this case, mis-catalogued. From the NYT report:

Brian Shetler, a doctoral candidate in book history who works in the library, discovered the Bible when he was hunting through the rare-book shelves, pulling a sampling of 17th-century books printed in England to show to a history class. It was in a box with a label mentioning “Bible,” “1611” and “R. Barker,” a seeming reference to the London printer Robert Barker.

“I just thought, ‘Oh, that’s interesting,’” Mr. Shetler said. “I knew Barker had published the King James Bible, but I thought there was no way we would have one and not know about it.”…

Material in the library’s archives indicate that the volume, which was listed in a 1950 card catalog but not in the digital catalog, was exhibited at the library in 1935 and again in 1977.

Reminds me of when economist Alan Krueger sent a grad student to the Princeton library to look something up in The Wealth of Nations and she discovered that the university owned a copy that had belonged to George Washington–thereby demonstrating that Washington had in fact owned, and presumably read, the book.

IT’S OFFICIAL: FBI is investigating the San Bernardino shooting as terrorism. LAT reports:

San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook had contact with people from at least two terror organizations overseas, including the Nusra Front in Syria and al-Shabab in Somalia, a federal law enforcement official said Friday.

The revelations came as the FBI formally announced they were investigating the shooting spree as an act of terrorism.

THE BIGGEST STORY OF OUR DAY ISN’T WHAT YOU THINK: Reason‘s Ron Bailey explains it. Good backgrounder here. In the near term, mosquitoes, not humans, are the interesting case.

“SELF-RADICALIZED”? The LAT reports that Tashfeen Malik, the woman shooter in San Bernardino, had pledged support to Islamic State in a Facebook post:

Tashfeen Malik, who joined husband Syed Rizwan Farook in the San Bernardino mass shooting that killed 14 people, pledged her allegiance to an Islamic State leader in a Facebook posting, two federal law enforcement officials said Friday.

The officials, who were not authorized to speak publicly about the matter, cautioned that the new evidence did not mean that the militant group directed Malik and her husband to carry out the attack and that investigators think it instead suggests that the couple had become self-radicalized.

The page, which is continually updated, is a good way to track new information on this story.

MANOLO THE SHOE-BLOGGER…REVEALED! “It was a smart move, to stay anonymous because most of my fans certainly didn’t picture Manolo the Shoeblogger as a stout Christian man with four kids in Iowa!” Check out his new food-history blog. (My 2008 Q&A with The Manolo, featuring his classically pungent observation about Venice, is here.)



Police discovered a veritable armory when they searched Farook and Malik’s Redlands home, recovering a dozen pipe bombs, 2,000 9-millimeter handgun rounds, 2,500 .223-caliber assault rifle rounds and “hundreds of tools” that could have been used to make additional explosive devices, Burguan said.

“Certainly they were equipped and they could have continued to do another attack … we intercepted them,” he said….

During a news conference Thursday, Burguan said the suspects had 1,400 assault rifle rounds and 200 handgun rounds in their car as they fled from police. The couple fired 76 rounds at officers during the shootout, and officers shot 380 rounds in return. Burguan said he believed the suspects shot first.

Despite uncertainty about the motive for the attack, Burguan said the cache of weapons and ammunition found at the couple’s home obviously suggests it was preplanned.

FWIW, I’m relying on the LAT reporters, who are treating this as a big local story to be taken step by step as information comes out rather than spun as quickly as possible to fit a pre-existing political narrative.

TERROR AT THE MALL: A riveting HBO documentary on the 2013 al-Shabaab attack on a Nairobi shopping mall, using security camera footage to tell the story. [jwplayer mediaid=”219215″]

OUR ENEMIES TAKE GLAMOUR SERIOUSLY: We need to as well. ICYMI, my column from January is still relevant.

Confronting Islamic State requires an exercise largely unfamiliar to the American military’s hardheaded pragmatists: thinking carefully about the elusive, seductive magic of glamour. Making that task all the more difficult, it also demands recognizing the allure of ideas and images that baffle, offend or horrify most Westerners. As beauty is in the eye of the beholder, glamour is in the mind of the audience….

Making Islamic State look fearsome and successful — countering its glamour with horror — only serves to heighten the movement’s allure. To dissuade potential recruits, something more banal is required. What glamorous visions of jihadi glory obscure isn’t violence. It’s drudgery, subordination, infighting, hypocrisy and general messiness.

Read the rest here.

IF IT’S JUST A SWAMP OF HATE, WHY IS YIK YAK SO POPULAR ON CAMPUS? After reading all the app’s bad press, I took a look. What I found astonished me.

TEACHING FRAGILITY: In this video, Greg Lukianoff talks with Atlantic editor James Bennet about the “tidal wave of reaction” to his article with Jonathan Haidt, “The Coddling of the American Mind.”