Author Archive: Sarah Hoyt

FOUND, THE HOLE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS FLUSHING OUR WEALTH INTO:  Not really.  Just kidding.  This is just a hole in the ground.  That metaphorical hole would be a giant black hole swallowing universes. Mysterious “gash” forms on Wyoming Ranch.

SILLY KIDS, SCHOOLS ARE FOR UNIONS: How the teachers-union empire strikes back. [Yes, I do know the uses of the apostrophe.  I used to teach ESL.  Apostrophes for plural are one of my pet peeves.  Let that be a lesson to you: never try to post while you’re exhausted from the day and dealing with three emergencies on pm.  Thank you to Eugene Volokh for catching this.]

WE DIDN’T EITHER: Kids aren’t spending enough time just going outside.  In fact, right after we climbed down from the trees, we invented language to say “Kids just not getting out of cave enough.”  “Hey, kids, get off my lawn!” took more sophistication.  And lawns.

I’M VERY BAD AT THIS:  Husband’s collection, Spooky Hoods is on sale for a few more hours; Son’s Candyworld (which is the weirdest, spookiest story involving candy that you’ll EVER read.  Also not a bad allegory for a lot of political stuff) is on sale, as is my own Here be Dragons (80k of short stories.)  I should have posted all this two days ago… it just sort of slipped my mind.