Author Archive: Sarah Hoyt

PROOF IN THE PUDDING: Hillary’s Air Gap Problem. The very fact that TOP SECRET information made it to Hillary’s email shows a crime was committed.

BEING A WOMAN THE WRONG WAY: Bill Kristol interviews Christina Hoff Somers for 1:03:49

Somers: “They say ‘oh, we’re for sexual liberation’ but they’re not really because if you’re conventionally feminine — which many women are — or conventionally masculine, then that’s, they ‘problematize’ that or they feel sorry for you or they think you don’t have free will.”
Kristol: “What’s sad about gender studies … it’s a very interesting topic … there’s all kinds of lessons to be learned … but there’s no actual study of gender in gender studies.”

SHE’S NOT A WOMAN: My friend Cedar Sanderson has been declared not a woman.  So have I.  And yet we exist.  And we refuse to let the crazies speak for us.

SCAPEGOATS NO MORE: The Goat Kicks Back.  The culture wars in science fiction continue. And they’re standing on my last nerve.