Author Archive: Sarah Hoyt

TODAY IS NOT THE ANNIVERSARY: But Black September (when I was 9) was my first ever awareness of international news. It shaped my ideas of the world more than any other event since, I think.

DAVE FREER’S: Stardogs $3.99

THE ILLUSIONS OF THE ELITES PART TWO: Counter-Narratives From a Crisis.

Brendan O’Neill tackles the preening—and worse than preening— of those in the European elite now so keen to show that they #WelcomeTheRefugees.

THE ILLUSIONS OF THE ELITES, PART ONE: Why does Germany want so many refugees?

Germany faces a severe labor shortage, both short-term and long-term. A study by the Robert Bosch foundation suggested that Germany’s workforce could shrink by about 6 million by 2030.

I think what they get might not be what they want…