TODAY IS NOT THE ANNIVERSARY: But Black September (when I was 9) was my first ever awareness of international news. It shaped my ideas of the world more than any other event since, I think.
Author Archive: Sarah Hoyt
September 11, 2015
NEVER FORGET: Even if they want you to. It still makes a difference. (Yes, I know, but the trailer at least looks like it will be good. And a way to remember.)
NEVER FORGET: Even if they want you to. It is not over.
September 10, 2015
UNEXPECTEDLY: This Deal (Still) Keeps Getting Worse All the Time.
WAIT, WHAT: Al Qaeda Mag, Occupy Mag… at this point what difference does it make? Al Qaeda Mag Urges Attack on Koch Brothers, Buffett, Bloomberg
GEEZE, YA CAN’T TRUST ANYBODY THESE DAYS: Al-Qaeda leader criticizes Islamic State for dividing jihadist ranks.
SPEAKING OF SILLY, ABOUT TIME SOMEONE SAID THIS: Expel People Who Demand Trigger Warnings.
BEYOND BAD OPTICS: CA Votes for Suicide During Suicide Prevention Week.
THIS REALLY IS GETTING SILLY: #BlackLivesMatter Activists Are Angry at Fear the Walking Dead, but They’re Angry at the Wrong Thing
DAVE FREER’S: Stardogs $3.99
WE USED TO HAVE A CONSTITUTION FOR THAT: Why Americans are so fond of the queen.
A SINGLE CONSTANT: Hillary Clinton, faux hawk: The only thing that never changes is her ambition.
THIS IS GETTING SILLY: New Korean Hulk could begin to smash issues over Marvel’s creative diversity. If they really need all these people by the names, can’t they CREATE new heroes?
YOUR WEDNESDAY DOSE OF DOOM AND GLOOM: What the August Jobs Number Didn’t Tell You.
September 9, 2015
THIS WOULD BE INTERESTING: Alien Nuclear Wars Might Be Visible From Earth.
USEFUL: Gravity Basics for Sci-fi Authors. Actually there’s a whole lot of useful stuff at his site.
BOOING IS NOT ACCEPTABLE: College Promises To Punish Students Who Heckled Mandatory Play.
THE ILLUSIONS OF THE ELITES PART TWO: Counter-Narratives From a Crisis.
Brendan O’Neill tackles the preening—and worse than preening— of those in the European elite now so keen to show that they #WelcomeTheRefugees.
THE ILLUSIONS OF THE ELITES, PART ONE: Why does Germany want so many refugees?
Germany faces a severe labor shortage, both short-term and long-term. A study by the Robert Bosch foundation suggested that Germany’s workforce could shrink by about 6 million by 2030.
I think what they get might not be what they want…
I DON’T ENVY THE CLEANING CREW: Inside the world’s most secretive, sex-filled nightclub.
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH: Liberalism Doesn’t Deserve the Benefit of the Doubt.
CHOOSING POORLY: Cuomo’s commitment to lousy teachers is failing our kids.