RUPERT MURDOCH OWNS THE WORLD: Or at least the part of it with exotic bare breasts.
Author Archive: Sarah Hoyt
September 13, 2015
ANOTHER IDIOT SELF IDENTIFIES: Daniel Craig ‘duped’ into political donation.
IT’S NOT THE CRIME, IT’S THE HYPOCRISY: Lawyer who accused barrister of ‘sexism’ has described men online as ‘hot stuff’. It’s almost like these cries of “sexism” are just a means to power.
ENGLAND, LESS CRAZY THAN CALIFORNIA:Right to die: MPs reject assisted dying law. (There is no way for assisted suicide laws NOT to be abused, particularly when they intersect with a state health system.)
THEY’D NEVER DO THE EQUIVALENT IN A MOSQUE: Sunderland priest’s disgust after burglars urinate in church’s holy water. We all know why. Beware the incentives this creates.
WHEN POLITICS TOLD THEM THEY WERE VICTIMS: When did women become such whingers? Accepting compliments appears to be a woefully lost art.
WHAT A BRAVE NEW WORLD: Are supermarket shelves sexist, or do we need to stop being so easily offended?
Latest in the seemingly endless list of “stuff you never knew was sexist, but is” comes, of all things, where the supermarket chain Morrisons stacks New Scientist magazine on its shelves.
September 12, 2015
WE’RE NOT THE ONLY ONES WITH BAD “ELITES”: Some blunt talk on “migrants” to Europe from a French ex-minister.
THE ONLY SLURS I HEARD WERE AT THE STYLE: But okay, whatevs. Star Wars novelist strikes back at gay character slurs. “Quick, the book is tanking. Claim homophobia.”
NOW THEY INVENT IT: Three brothers create a lawn mower you can control via Google. The boys would have fought over who got to do the lawn, if we’d had this.
YEAH, WHAT DOES A GAL HAVE TO DO FOR LOBSTER: No, 48 Million Americans Are Not Going Hungry.
WE’RE RICH: That is, the government is… burning through money faster than ever.
WELL, GOOD. I’VE BEEN SLEEPING ENTIRELY TOO WELL: Russia developing underwater drone submarine to deliver megaton nuclear weapon.
HOLY CTHULHU: Alex stops you from publishing inconsiderate content: Weirdly, and apparently is this bullsh*t piece of Marxist leftist trash really meant to be taken seriously? IS a perfectly politically correct sentence. As you can imagine, it sets my mind at rest.
September 11, 2015
I WOULDN’T KNOW, I’M JUST HOLDING THE FORT: Since that day they wounded New York. “Did you go crazy, or did you report?”
NO TIME TO GET WOBBLY: ‘No, America Isn’t Moving Left’.
YOUR DOSE OF LEVITY FOR THE NIGHT: I guess Caitlyn Jenner really is conservative!
OH, YEAH, RIGHT, THAT WILL HELP: Lending a Helping Hand.
THE REVOLT OF THE SPY MASTERS: Cooking the books on ISIS intelligence.
BUT IT DOESN’T FIT THE NARRATIVE: Marine study finds all-male infantry units outperformed teams with women.
HOW DO THESE PEOPLE SURVIVE TO: What for lack of a better word we must call adulthood. Remember, in all likelihood she can vote.
REALLY BAD OPTICS: NY Times Launches Its Jew-Tracker [Updated].