THE END OF A COLD WAR TALE: Glomar Explorer Going to Scrap.
Author Archive: Sarah Hoyt
September 22, 2015
ART FOR A GOOD CAUSE: EXHIBITION: Patriotic Art Auction to Benefit the Families of the Chattanooga 5.
ARE THEIR SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES LIKE OURS: Social sciences and humanities faculties ‘to close’ in Japan after ministerial intervention.
SOME NUMBERS: UK vs US living standards.
SOMETIMES RUDENESS IS JUSTIFIED: Why This Hasid Was Right To Flip the Bird to Kapparot Protester. The article contains fluffy-headed notions about chicken-farms (my farmer-fans assure me what they do is better than the alternative) and seems confused about why we “allow” food to go to waste (in Soviet America, food wastes you. No, seriously. Whom do you want to empower to stop food waste? There really are health regulations about giving half-eaten chickens to soup kitchens, and also, you think food isn’t wasted in soup kitchens too?) BUT on the point of the protesters and the reaction to them, it’s dead on.
September 20, 2015
HOW MANY SJWS DOES IT TAKE TO SCREW IN A LIGHTBULB? THAT’S NOT FUNNY: Social-justice warriors can’t take the ‘South Park’ heat.
AND IF IT WEREN’T A GOVERNMENT SAYING THIS: City: Murder victim should have known ‘risks’ of public housing.
COMING SOON TO A COUNTRY NEAR YOU: Shocking NHS postcode lottery for elderly care.
COMING SOON TO A COUNTRY NEAR YOU: Thursday 17th September 2015- The Telegraph: Pancreatic cancer patients denied life-extending drug by spending watchdog.
IS THERE SOMETHING IT CAN’T DO: Coffee stops jet lag by rewinding the body clock – but there’s a catch. (Apparently yes. “Drinking a double espresso can turn back circadian rhythms by around an hour and could help fight jet lag, but it does depend on the direction of the flight”)
NOT A NEW THING: Antidepressants raise risk of violence in young people. And because that’s behind a pay wall, here is substantially the same thing.
REACHING PEAK VAPID: Range of glamorous dolls aimed at getting girls interested in maths and science go on sale in the UK. Or, you could, you know, concentrate on training capable students in math and science and stop worrying about what’s between the students’ legs and some imaginary parity.
September 19, 2015
THINK OF THE POSSIBILITIES FOR EVIL VILLAINS: to tamper with this. DARPA Has Made a Brain Implant That Boosts Your Memory.
PLAGUES OF LOCUSTS NEXT MONTH: Hawaii Raises Volcano Alert.
FARTHER PLEASE: This Plane Will Soar to the Edge of Space on Giant Air Currents.
IN CASE YOU WERE GETTING SLEEPY OR SOMETHING: Terror Fears As Iran Frees Al Qaeda Members.
OF COURSE IT DOES: Obama Deal Allows Iran To Pay Others To Build Its Nuclear Program.
September 18, 2015
THEY’VE FORGOTTEN WHO IS BOSS: Interior Secretary Refuses To Testify On EPA Toxic Mine Spill.
SHOCKED, SHOCKED, I TELL YOU: Oswald visited embassies in Cuba and Soviet Union to plot his escape before assassinating John F Kennedy.
THE COALITION TO STOP GUN VIOLENCE ALSO JUMPS THE SHARK: Code Blue at CSGV HQ: They are having a collective stroke.
TEH GRAUNIAD AT WORK AGAIN: The Left Jumps the Shark — in a Rocketship.
WHY BOTHER NOT WASTING OUR SEED CORN: Why Bother Educating Smart Kids?
WHEN YOU CAN’T BEAT THEM, LIE ABOUT THEM: Carmen Fariña’s ugly lie about which kids charters help.