OH, COME ON. AFTER OBAMA, WHO DOESN’T DESERVE IT: No Bad Deed Must Go Unrewarded: A Nobel Peace Prize for Angela Merkel?
Author Archive: Sarah Hoyt
October 5, 2015
THAT… THAT’S A CURIOUS SPIN, MR. PRESIDENT: Obama: Putin Sent Military Into Syria ‘Out of Weakness’. I think Obama actually believed that claptrap about how not standing up to the bully proves you’re stronger.
YES, I KNOW PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE, BUT: Delta Force considered staging fake hijacking after 9/11. I don’t think those fake highjackers would have been safe…
OBSCURING LINKS TO BENGHAZI: Hillary Clinton’s incomplete timeline on her personal e-mail account.
HARRY POTTER AND THE NEW ILLUSTRATOR: Jim Kay: ‘I worried I’d ruin the most popular children’s book in history’.
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT: Charter schools suspend kids, public schools don’t — which does better?
TWISTIER THAN A CHICAGO POL: Agatha Christie’s Enduring Popularity Is No Mystery.
WE DON’T WANT TO HOPE THIS IS TRUE: Because it makes us feel like horrible people, but… but… but… Hillary has long history of beating up Bill behind closed doors: book.
WE CAN ALSO ONLY HOPE: Hillary Clinton’s legal adviser warns her — Time to lawyer up.
WE CAN ONLY HOPE: Delta Force secretly killed Iranian agents in Iraq — with IEDs.
IMMIGRATION, INTEGRATION AND FOOD: Tasty bits from the history of the Jewish deli.
October 4, 2015
BULLIES BULLY BECAUSE THEY CAN: UCC Shooting: The Culture of Helplessness.
THE LEFT EMBRACES SHUNS DIVERSITY OF THOUGHT: Breitbart Editor Ejected From Amber Rose Slut Walk By Police.
ENGLAND’S NHS, THE TERRIBLE WARNING: NHS cancer bonuses ‘are abhorrent, risky and misguided’.
Leading doctors speak out amid a growing backlash against new schemes offering doctors payments to cut referrals.
YEAH, THEY DO THAT: Feminists abused my mother’s suicide, says Sylvia Plath’s poet daughter.
IT IS THE TWENTY FIRST CENTURY: Scientists Invent a New Steel as Strong as Titanium.
UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES: Well done, feminism. Now men are afraid to help women at work.
I’D WAKE UP SCREAMING: only it’s more like one of those dreams where the horror comes closer and you can’t move. The Coming Defeat of NATO.
COMPARE AND CONTRAST: Penn State vs. The State Penn?
ARTHUR CHU WANTS TO BE YOUR BIG BROTHER: Arthur Chu’s Grand Vision of Repressive Tolerance.
WELL, THAT’S COMPLETELY DIFFERENT: Gun Control: If Journalists Were Being Murdered Instead of School Children.
October 3, 2015
THE ETERNAL MIDDLE EAST: Why Outside Powers Can’t End the Destruction in Syria.