SOCIALIST IS SOCIALIST: Bill de Blasio’s bogus ‘town hall’ is all propaganda, no democracy.
Author Archive: Sarah Hoyt
October 16, 2015
I NEED AN EMOJI: Is President Mush-for-Brains Mentally Unwell?
WHEN WORDS FAIL YOU: Emojis are ruining civilization.
OF COURSE: Whether you’re pushing little old ladies in the way of buses or pushing little old ladies out of the path of buses, the Obama administration will say you’re pushing little old ladies. Team Obama winks at incitement against Israelis.
October 15, 2015
EVEN MADE FOR TV DRAMAS GOT IN THE ACT: Blame GamerGate’s Bad Rep on Smears and Shoddy Journalism.
SO, SHAKESPEARE DIDN’T WRITE IT: Earliest Known Draft of King James Bible Is Found, Scholar Says.
And speaking of Shakespeare:
In recent years, scholars have chipped away at the idea of Shakespeare’s plays as the product of an isolated genius, emphasizing instead the intensely collaborative nature of Elizabethan theater. Professor Miller said that the origins of the other great monument of 17th-century English literature is due for a similar reconsideration.
Yeah, I’m as impressed with this as I am with the idea that Shakespeare was a woman, which loony feminists came up with. It’s amazing how for some people creation has to be a group work!
OUR REVOLTING ADMINISTRATION: Obama Admin Accuses Israel of ‘Terrorism’ As More Jews Murdered.
FOR THE LOVE OF ARUGULA: Report: Kids Continue to Leave the Lunch Line Due to Michelle Obama’s Rules.
FASTER PLEASE: How scientists fool themselves – and how they can stop.
BECAUSE ALL WE NEED IS MRS. CORRUPTION IN OFFICE: Why You Actually Should Care About Hillary Clinton’s Damn Emails.
SHE SHOULD AT LEAST WASH HER HANDS: “Truth,” according to Mary Mapes.
OF COURSE. THEY’RE ‘HONORED GUESTS’ OF THE HAPPY PEOPLE OF BRUTOPIA: State Dept.: Kerry ‘Simply Misspeaking’ by Calling Americans Detained by Iran ‘Hostages’.
THE STUPIDEST THING YOU’LL READ ALL WEEK: Famous quotes, the way a woman would have to say them during a meeting.
BARELY SHOULDERING OUT TRUMP vs. BERNIE: So, “Godzilla v. King Kong” is a Go.
HAD ENOUGH OF THE CRAZY YEARS? A Victim of False Doctrine. I guess safe-sex now means carrying a lawyer in your pocket at all times.
WE COULD DO WORSE: And probably will. Could It Be Cruz-Rubio? And if true, this means Larry Correia was at least half right.
IS IT PEAK CRAZINESS YET: Journalism’s Death Rattle: WaPo Wastes 1000 Words Lamenting ‘Inequality’ in…Breakfast Sandwiches.
October 14, 2015
ABOUT RIGHT: Rand Paul On Bernie Sanders: Nothing “Sexy Or Cool” About Socialism.And it is greatly against us that we let entire generations be indoctrinated in the idea of socialism as a positional good. Yeah, I know. They had the schools and the media. But that’s changing and we have the means to push that change. Put your shoulder to the wheel.
WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AT WAR WITH EURASIA: AP FACT CHECK: Clinton, Sanders revise history in Dem debate.
OPTICS? WHAT OPTICS: Ashe Schow on Hillary, on twitter.
WHEN THE INTERNET IS FOR PORN: End of an Era: No More Nudes in Playboy.
WEAPONIZED EMPATHY: Eastern Europe’s Compassion Dilemma.
OIKOPHOBIA IS SO IN THIS SEASON: Watch: Most Journos Fail to Stand for Anthem at Democratic Debate.
LOST IN THEIR OWN UNDERWEAR: Democrats eschew all semblance of a concept of national defense.