Author Archive: Sarah Hoyt

OF COURSE: Whether you’re pushing little old ladies in the way of buses or pushing little old ladies out of the path of buses, the Obama administration will say you’re pushing little old ladies. Team Obama winks at incitement against Israelis.

SO, SHAKESPEARE DIDN’T WRITE IT: Earliest Known Draft of King James Bible Is Found, Scholar Says.

And speaking of Shakespeare:

In recent years, scholars have chipped away at the idea of Shakespeare’s plays as the product of an isolated genius, emphasizing instead the intensely collaborative nature of Elizabethan theater. Professor Miller said that the origins of the other great monument of 17th-century English literature is due for a similar reconsideration.

Yeah, I’m as impressed with this as I am with the idea that Shakespeare was a woman, which loony feminists came up with.  It’s amazing how for some people creation has to be a group work!

HAD ENOUGH OF THE CRAZY YEARS? A Victim of False Doctrine. I guess safe-sex now means carrying a lawyer in your pocket at all times.

ABOUT RIGHT: Rand Paul On Bernie Sanders: Nothing “Sexy Or Cool” About Socialism.And it is greatly against us that we let entire generations be indoctrinated in the idea of socialism as a positional good.  Yeah, I know.  They had the schools and the media.  But that’s changing and we have the means to push that change.  Put your shoulder to the wheel.