THE ECONOMY IS NOT A TINKER TOY: Hillary’s vaccine price plan didn’t work the first time for a reason.
Author Archive: Sarah Hoyt
October 21, 2015
AT THIS TIME, IN THIS PLACE: Feds dangle $12,000 bonus to firms that hire foreign students.
OH, YEAH BOTH COUNTRIES BUILT WALLS TO KEEP THEIR POPULATION IN: Oh, wait… no, no, we didn’t. The Soviet Union: It Was Just Like Us!
October 19, 2015
INCOMPETENCE OR MALICE: MSNBC Admits Anti-Israel Graphics Were ‘Wrong’.
MAKING THE DEAD GONE: Wackiest ways dead bodies were disposed of — or not.
WHEN EVEN VOX WON’T BUY IT: Movies like Truth are why so many people hate “Hollywood liberals”. IOW — That’s how you know you messed up!
THE SLIPPERY SLOPE: The Embassy in Bogotá: Into the Third World.
NOT SMART MEN: Men feel threatened by smarter women, science says.
October 18, 2015
A BLOGGER FRIEND IS SELLING HER HOUSE: Kinda sorta near DC. (Yeah, I know it’s a little far but she commuted from here to DC for years.) If you’re in the market in that area, it’s kind of a bargain, too. (And it’s gorgeous.)
IS KERRY? MAYBE THAT’S WHY HE IS SO AFRAID OF WARMING: Are You Part Iceman? Famous Ötzi Has 19 Living Relatives.
OY. CAN’T THEY JUST BLAME BUSH AS USUAL: Kerry Says Climate Change Made the Syrian Civil War Worse.
MORE ACCURATELY OF BEING TOLD NOT TO THINK: “People are sick to the back teeth of being told what to think.”
STUFF YOU CAN USE: Nearly Every USGS Topo Map Ever Made. For Free.
I BELIEVE HIS IS CHERRY (PICKED): Bernie Sanders and the Fixed Pie Fallacy.
SANITY: It’s the Steel: Bill Whittle’s Solution to Gun Control. (Video.)
AH! THE NORMAL RANGE OF JOURNALISTIC BUNGLE: “Truth,” according to the Times (5).
FREE SPEECH FOR SOME: More derailments in the MTA’s war on speech.
POWER TO THE PEOPLE EACH PERSON: The case of Uber vs. San Antonio.
We are at a very interesting historical tipping point. The willingness of states and political agencies to boss people and businesses around and to seize resources for the use of the political class has not abated, but their ability to do so is being challenged. San Antonio is a left-leaning city; its attitude toward business is far from Singaporean. The city authorities would love to be able to dictate terms to Uber — but they can’t. Nationally, we’re starting to figure out that you can’t really regulate marijuana; you can try to, and pretend to, but you can’t really do it. Trying to ban guns in an age when anybody with a 3-D printer can produce a dozen of them in his bedroom is absurd. In twenty years, when anybody with enough money to buy something equivalent in cost to a refrigerator today is going to be able to 3-D print tissue and molecules, the regulatory enterprise is going to be very dicey indeed. It’s not going to be much fun to be the tax man when real financial privacy, enabled by cryptocurrencies and other financial technologies, is available to almost everybody.
Yeah, the gatekeepers in my field are still under the illusion screaming and thrashing around will make them vital again. They are wrong. They’ll find that out. And that article is a great analysis of the power and economic reasons that the boot has changed feet. Read the whole thing.
IT’S OKAY: I have it on the best authority no one to the right of Stalin is “authentic.” The Democrats’ diversity deficit.
YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK: U.S. Pays $400M for U.N. Agency Calling for Attacks on Israeli Jews.
THE FASHIONABLE RICH FIGHT INEQUALITY: Poor most adversely affected.