Author Archive: Michael Totten

THE FOURTEEN YEAR-OLD PAKISTANI GIRL who was shot by the Taliban for promoting Western culture is being flown to the United Kingdom for medical treatment. The British ought to let her spend the rest of her life there. The Taliban threatened to try to kill her again if she survives. She’d made a great immigrant to Great Britain. And if the British don’t want her, we ought to take her.

THIS IS NOT WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE: Take a look at this disturbing and tense video of mob violence in Cairo when Islamists and secular activists effectively went to war with each other in Tahrir Square. There are no cops in this video, nor are there any women. (Thanks to Jeffrey Goldberg and MEMRI.)

[youtube eJYRVSG-eJo]

THE EUROPEAN UNION knocks Press TV, Iran’s English language propaganda channel, off the air. This is not, by the way, a free speech issue. The people of Iran have no freedom of speech whatsoever, and Press TV is an overseas propaganda arm of their oppressors. Europe’s freedom of speech protections, however robust or not they may be, are for European citizens, not for totalitarian state sponsors of terrorism abroad.

I SAW ARGO LAST NIGHT, Ben Affleck’s new film about the Iran hostage crisis. If you’re skeptical about Affleck as a director, don’t be. First of all, the extended cut of his last film, The Town, is a magnificent crime film. Second, Argo is better by far than just about anything else Hollywood has ever produced about the Middle East. I have a few minor criticisms, but they vanish into the awesomeness of the rest of the film.

[youtube w918Eh3fij0]

GOOD FOR TUNISIA: Tunisia’s Islamist party has been hoping to ban blasphemy in the new constitution, but they have to drop it because there’s too much resistance. They lost the argument over turning the country into an Islamic state, too, though they pretend they’ve been for a civil state all along to save face.

DID INTELLIGENCE really tell the White House there were protests in Benghazi? Doesn’t look like it.

HEZBOLLAH is taking credit for sending that drone over Israeli airspace. The Israelis also send drones over Hezbollah airspace, and they’re a lot better at it.

BEN AFFLECK’S ARGO, about the rescue of six Americans from Tehran after Khomeini’s Islamists seized the American Embassy in 1979, opens tomorrow. I haven’t seen it yet, but it looks absolutely fantastic and has a score of 91 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. If it’s as good as the extended cut of his last film, The Town, you won’t want to miss it.

[youtube w918Eh3fij0]

THE KILLERS OF CHILDREN: The Pakistani Taliban shot a ninth-grade girl in the head for “promoting Western culture.” She’s alive and in stable condition, but if she survives they say they’ll try to kill her again.