IS NOTHING SAFE FROM GOVERNMENT REGULATION? The Australian government now bans small breasted women from porn. It’s for the children. No, really.
UPDATE: David Harsanyi emails: “Banning of small breasts? The Mammy State.”
IS NOTHING SAFE FROM GOVERNMENT REGULATION? The Australian government now bans small breasted women from porn. It’s for the children. No, really.
UPDATE: David Harsanyi emails: “Banning of small breasts? The Mammy State.”
WHAT IF QUENTIN TARANTINO directed the Super Bowl?
THE BEST VIEWS ever captured of Pluto.
CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS ON NORTH KOREA: Kim Jong Il’s regime is even weirder and more despicable than you thought.
MAYBE THEY SHOULD CHANGE THEIR POLICIES: Car bombs today killed 32 Shia Muslims in Iraq, and 25 Shia Muslims in Pakistan. On the other hand, terrorists might be motivated by something more significant than policy disagreements.
THEODORE DALRYMPLE: Save the planet by outlawing lampshades!
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: The Great Peasant Revolt of 2010.
MATT WELCH on the inherent instability of corporate monopolies.
HI EVERYBODY. Glenn is busy with some PJTV coverage in Nashville today, so I’ll be helping him out here for a bit. He’ll be back in a few hours, and perhaps intermittently in the meantime.
A DEPRESSING REPORT on anti-Semitism in Britain.
A FUN RANT FROM HARLAN ELLISON: Pay the writer! (Thanks to Max Boot at Commentary.)
ISRAELI REACTIONS to Obama’s speech in Cairo.
NORTH KOREA puts two American jouranlists on trial. According to the Washington Post, they face perhaps ten years in a labor camp.
ALVARO VARGAS LLOSA: How Hugo Chavez ruined my weekend.
LEE SMITH IN SLATE: Obama has not learned from Bush’s errors and is playing into the hands of Iran.
AL QAEDA MURDERS a British tourist in Mali.
OBAMA PRESSURES ISRAEL on settlements, and Democrats pressure Obama on Israel.
ONE OF THE LARGEST MUSLIM COUNTRIES? According to Le Monde, Barack Obama said on French television that the United States is one of the world’s largest Muslim countries. Um, no, says Roger L. Simon. The U.S. is 38th.
LEBANESE ELECTION WATCH: What if Hezbollah wins next week?
UPDATE: See also Michael Young, Lebanon’s best political analyst, at the Council on Foreign Relations.
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