Author Archive: Michael Totten

EVEN CRIPPLING OR BITING sanctions would most likely fail to prevent Iran from building nuclear weapons, but Marty Peretz says what’s on offer right now is feeble and flaccid. “This will only encourage Tehran to be more and more truculent in its nuclear pursuits. This faces the United States and the West with the option of force. Or Israel with the imperative of force.”

THE OTHER IRAQ: It has been a while since I’ve been to Iraqi Kurdistan, but Abe Greenwald is there now and wrote a strong piece for Commentary.

OUTSTANDING PALESTINIAN JOURNALIST Khaled Abu Toameh explains why an imposed solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a terrible idea. Meanwhile, former PLO ambassador Ali Kazak accuses him of being a traitor for exposing corruption in the West Bank and Gaza.

YESTERDAY I posted a link to an article by Claire Berlinski about the Soviet archives, an article Ron Radosh takes issue with. Berlinski and Radosh are both terrific authors, and I hate getting caught in the middle of a dispute between them, but I’ll let readers interested in this topic read both and decide for themselves.

UPDATE: Claire Berlinski responds to Ron Radosh here.

CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS’ new book Hitch-22: A Memoir wasn’t supposed to be released until June, but my copy from arrived today. He sent me an uncorrected advance reader copy a few weeks ago, and it’s terrific.

CLAIRE BERLINSKI at City Journal wonders why hardly anyone cares about the unread Soviet archives.

MIDDLE EAST democracy advocates are fed up with Obama. If he didn’t see that coming, he certainly should have.

TERRORISTS KILL MUSLIMS AGAINST TERRORISM: Two Sunni Arab imams in Iraq were savagely murdered today after preaching against Al Qaeda in their mosques.

MAOIST REBELS destroy a bus in India with a roadside bomb and kill dozens, including civilians and police officers. It’s hard to believe communist insurgency is back so many years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, but at least it doesn’t have much of a cheering section this time.

PROGRESS OF SORTS: Gen. McChrystal says the situation in Afghanistan is serious, but at least it’s no longer deteriorating.

GOOD GRIEF: High school girl arrested and handcuffed for doodling on her desk.