Author Archive: Michael Totten

INDEED: Michael Young to the Obama White House: “The last thing [Syria’s Bashar al-Assad] will ever do if he manages to repress his own people is undermine this by negotiating with Israel.”

The White House, though, is hardly the only place in the American government where foreign policy makers don’t understand this. As our Secretary of State recently said, members of both the Republican and Democratic parties believe Assad is a “reformer.” It doesn’t take more than a decade for an absolute dictator to reform his own system, and reformers don’t shoot hundreds of unarmed kids in the back while calling them pawns in a Jewish conspiracy.

A MUST-READ: High Noon in Pakistan, by Walter Russell Mead.


I LOVE THE FIRST AMENDMENT, I REALLY DO. The UK government says it will regulate journalists’ Twitter feeds. The US government would probably do this, too—and oh so much more—if it could.

THE NEW OSAMA VIDEOS. Have you seen them? He looks pathetic.

AYAAN HIRSI ALI: Will the Muslim Brotherhood succeed where Osama bin Laden failed? The gradualists–not moderates, but gradualists–in the Brotherhood do have a greater chance of success. Unlike the vicious psychotics of Al Qaeda in Iraq, they won’t alienate their soft supporters until it’s too late.

SIGH: Kenneth Pollack thinks escalation in Libya is inevitable. How about we just kill Qaddafi and wrap it up instead of declaring him untouchable and dragging this out? That’s easier said than done, of course, but it looks like we’re not even trying.

JUST ONCE I’d like to read an article by Noam Chomsky that isn’t faux brilliant in its moral and political idiocy, one that suggests he does, in fact, live in the same world as the rest of us, but he can’t even manage it after Osama bin Laden is killed.

AT LEAST THEY ACKNOWLEDGE HE’S DEAD. Here is a photo gallery showing thousands of reactionary Islamists taking to the streets in Egypt and Pakistan to protest the death of Osama bin Laden.

WE ALMOST HAD AN EVEN BETTER WEEK: Anwar al-Awlaki, the American-born Al Qaeda leader in Yemen, was almost, but not quite, killed by an American missile attack.

This whole operation in Yemen is seriously under-the-radar, at least in the U.S. I wonder how many Americans even know who al-Awlaki is and that we’re firing missiles into Yemen in the first place?

THANKS, GLENN, for trusting us with the keys to the blog while you’re away. Enjoy your vacation!

WELCOME BACK, GLENN. Here’s a public thank-you for trusting us with the keys. And thanks to all you Instapundit readers for hanging out with us last week.

GOOD GRIEF: So Dennis Blair is out as director of national intelligence, which is fine, but now President Obama says he has “more confidence” in John Brennan? This is the man who wants to go looking for moderates in Hezbollah, who do not exist, and promote them within the organization, which he could not do even if they were real. We can’t monkey with Hezbollah’s org chart any more than we can Al Qaeda’s or the Iranian government’s.

I’d have a little more faith in the Obama Administration’s foreign policy officials if they demonstrated more consistent knowledge of Middle East 101.

HELL ON THE MEDITERRANEAN: “An iron curtain of a strict theocracy is slowly descending on Gaza, but many human rights proponents still prefer to depict it as the embattled bastion of freedom fighters.”