DEBLASIO REPEATS HIS MESSAGE TO THE “JEWISH COMMUNITY”: As Rioters Destroy New York, Cops Kick Jewish Families Out of a Playground.
Translated, no doubt, from the original German.
DEBLASIO REPEATS HIS MESSAGE TO THE “JEWISH COMMUNITY”: As Rioters Destroy New York, Cops Kick Jewish Families Out of a Playground.
Translated, no doubt, from the original German.
THE VIOLENCE INHERENT IN THE SYSTEM: Coronavirus Gave America ‘a Small Foretaste’ of the Poverty and Tyranny of Socialism, Dinesh D’Souza Warns
NEWSWEEK MISLEADS ABOUT ALREADY-BIASED POLL: Do Most Americans Really Support the Riots and Burning the Police Precinct? Newsweek Says Yes!
Today’s guest is Matt Margolis, who will talk with Mark about Andrew Cuomo’s nursing home policy, which likely killed 10,000 nursing home residents, and false reports of “peaceful protesters” being tear-gassed for a photo-op.
The show is from 3-4 PM Eastern, 1-2 PM Mountain, noon-1 PM Pacific, and you can listen via:
Today’s guest is Megan Fox, who will be talking with Mark about her recent article We Don’t Have a Racism Problem, We Have a Deep State Problem: The Hideous Police Killing of Duncan Lemp.
The show is from 3-4 PM Eastern, 1-2 PM Mountain, noon-1 PM Pacific, and you can listen via:
(Update: Corrected times — Charlie)
TYLER O’NEILL TALKED ABOUT HIS BOOK AND THIS ARTICLE ON MARK GRIFFITH TODAY: SPLC Slams Trump’s Terror Designation of Antifa as ‘Dangerous and Unjust’ as America Burns.
Tyler’s book on the SPLC is Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
PJ Media Week continues on the Mark Griffith Show tomorrow, with Megan Fox. The show is from 3-5 PM Eastern, 1-3 PM Mountain, noon-2 PM Pacific, and you can listen via:
PJ MEDIA WEEK ON THE MARK GRIFFITH SHOW: Today it’s Tyler O’Neill, who will talk with Mark about Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center, his book on the Southern Poverty Law Center, and about the SPLC support for Antifa. The show starts at 3 PM Eastern Time, 1 PM Mountain Time, or noon Pacific Time.
Join them in Denver on the AM dial at 560 KLZ Radio, online at, or use the Tunein app on your phone. Call to at 303-477-5600.
Mark will be featuring PJM writers all week: Megan Fox tomorrow, Matt Margolis on Thursday, Jeff Reynolds on Friday.
This week on The Mark Griffith Show we will feature 5 different writers from PJ Media. The Mark Griffith Show airs weekdays at 1 pm MT 3 pm ET in the Denver market.
Monday we will chat with Victoria Taft who has written about Antifa.
Tuesday will feature Tyler O’Neil, Wednesday we chat with Megan Fox, Thursday with Matt Margolis, and Friday we finish up with Jeff Reynolds.
Join us in Denver on the AM dial at 560 KLZ Radio or online at or use the Tunein app on your phone.
Call to join in the fun at 303-477-5600
BUT THAT’S DIFFERENT. WHY? REASONS: Twitter Accuses Trump of ‘Glorifying Violence’ in Tweet That Sounds a Lot Like Obama in 2015.
AMAZON DECIDES WHAT YOU’RE PERMITTED TO THINK: Amazon Shareholders Endorse Viewpoint Discrimination Against Conservatives.
YOU KNOW WHO OWNS YOU BY WHAT YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED TO SAY: YouTube Censorship and That Which May Not Be Said About Chinese Propaganda.
Just for future reference, the magic words are 五毛党 or just 五毛. They mean “paid commenter”.
UPDATE: (Charlie) YouTube got back to me. A spokesperson said: “This appears to be an error in our enforcement systems and we are investigating. Users can report suspected issues to troubleshoot errors and help us make product improvements.”
VICTORY FOR CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE: Minnesota Gov. Loosens Church Restrictions After Catholics, Lutherans Unite.
WHERE DOES SARAH KEEP HER SHOCKED FACE? I NEED IT: Deceptive Editing? Norma McCorvey From Roe v. Wade Didn’t Reject the Pro-Life Cause, Former Lawyer Says.
TREASON IS A DANGEROUS WORD: When You Accuse Someone of Treason, Be Careful What You Wish For.
(Sorry, I forgot to mention this is a VIP article. Sign up with promo code CHARLIE for a discount.)
QUALIFIED IMMUNITY TO BE CONSIDERED BY SCOTUS? Supreme Court Will Soon Decide Whether To Reconsider Qualified Immunity.
This kinda seemed like Glenn’s meat, but it was too good.
DIED FROM? OR DIED WITH? The Mystery of Patricia Dowd: First COVID-19 Death?
This is a VIP article. Use promo code CHARLIE for a small discount, or WUHAN for a 25 percent discount.
LIVE COVERAGE: LIVE: Trump’s Chinese Coronavirus Press Conference.
MALICE OR INCOMPETENCE? [WATCH] Tom Cotton Condemns China’s ‘Deliberate Evil Act That Unleashed This Pandemic on the World’.
Just to be clear, it’s pretty easy to see how China could have gotten into this mess originally by trying to cover up like a cat on a tile floor. But once they started not reporting cases and pushing propaganda about it really being a US virus, they were well into the second choice.
I’M NOT A LAWYER BUT THIS SEEMS LIKE A FIRST AMENDMENT ISSUE: Organizing an Anti-Quarantine Protest on Facebook? Your Event Might Get Deleted if Government Complains.
BRUSH UP YOUR COBOL: Brush up your COBOL: Why is a 60 year old language suddenly in demand?
The topic of COBOL has come up here before. Here’s what it’s about.
COBOL is, in a lot of ways, an antiquated, bad programming language. But for its particular domain, it’s better than anything else.
UPDATE: I have to admit, I found writing COBOL for this article oddly soothing.
SADLY, THE SPLC CAN’T BE IGNORED — YET: Trump Campaign Slams SPLC’s ‘Division and Fearmongering’ Amid Coronavirus Crisis.
MEGAN FOX ON THE RADIO: This is a little late getting to me, but Megan Fox is on the radio right now, on the Mark Griffith Show.
The Mark Griffith Show airs weekdays at 1 p.m. in the Denver Market on 560 KLZ on the AM dial. Online at Folks can call the show at 303-477-5600.
CORONAVIRUS INFECTION FATALITY RATE ONLY 0.66 PERCENT? Estimates of the severity of coronavirus disease 2019: a model-based analysis.
This is a more complicated mathematical model for what people have been reading in the medical literature if they read past the headlines. See, for example, Anthony Fauci in the New England Journal of Medicine:
If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.2
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