Author Archive: Charlie Martin

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UPDATE (FROM GLENN): Last week: N.Y. Times Columnist Wants Trump Dead — Seriously.

A friend emails: “Biden can’t finish a fucking sentence. Trump is defiant in the face of an assassin. If Americans can’t figure out who Putin and Ji would be more afraid of, they deserve what we have.”

Related: “Secret Service surrounded him and hustled him off the stage, The President was walking and defiant – fist pumping in the air – even as they hustled him into the vehicle.”

So if he was hit in the ear, he was only an inch or two from taking a bullet to the brain. It would have been a very hot summer if Trump were assassinated. But, like Teddy Roosevelt, he was shot but defiant.

JULY 4TH. EVERY JULY 4TH: The Geometry of Liberty: The Declaration of Independence Is a Logical Argument Based on Jefferson’s Axioms.

I was thinking about “We hold these truths to be self-evident” and remembered I’d written about it in 2019.

The Declaration as a whole is a logical argument that begins by stating its axioms:

  • That all men (by which Jefferson meant humanity, humankind) are created equal;
  • that by the very fact of their existence they have rights that inhere to them by their nature;
  • that among these right — that is, there are other natural rights that Jefferson doesn’t assert for the purposes of his argument — are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness;
  • that governments exists by the consent of the governed to secure — protect — those rights;
  • that a government’s only reason or justification for existence is to secure those rights;
  • and that a government’s only legitimacy and authority derives from that consent.

In that one sentence, Jefferson changes the world.

WHAT THE F IS AN NFT? What the Heck Is a Trump NFT? (VIP)

Yeah, that is the pre-Bowdlerized headline….