Author Archive: Charles Glasser

IT GETS WORSE: Not only did the Keyboard Warriors use misleading video edits to smear the Covington teens, and not only did media and our celebrity superiors jump on the Outrage Train without any fact-checking, but now the “righteous” have doxxed the wrong kid: who is now getting death threats.

Nice going, all you virtuous jerks.

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): A friend on Facebook writes: “Note the common thread between the Kavanaugh and Covington hysterics: there is a significant sense in which ‘progressivism’ as a movement is driven by a cohort bent upon re-litigating its own middle- and high-school years. Perceived losses of social status then are recouped by revenge-by-proxy now. It’s like tens of millions of Jeanie Buellers, but without her own personal growth.”

WE GOT HIM NOW! WE GOT HIM NOW! How many times are we going to hear this? “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” And yet, this. The same guy that is hailed as the savior of the nation says “um, actually, no” and the brave Buzzfeed stands by a story in which the two writers have made completely conflicting statements about whether they’ve ever seen the supporting documents upon which the story was built.
I think in law school we called this a “shitshow.” More details here.



Thousands of pages have been written about our age of political polarization. Public discourse and political reporting have deteriorated into an “either/or” game, and while polarization has been around since the Jefferson-Adams kerfuffle, the level of anger is unprecedented.

Agree with me or I’ll call you terrible names.

** It was interesting to see in the comments on original posting how many people proved my point. They saw critique of Trump’s personality (despite admitting I agree with some of his policies) and went into immediate freakout/insult mode instead of actually, you know, reading the entire column.***

NEIL ARMSTRONG ON MARS: Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has displayed her idiocy for quite a while. “The Constitution is 400 years old.” “Today, we have two Vietnams, side by side, North and South, exchanging and working.” On and on. But now it’s serious. BuzzFeed reports that:

[A] woman, identified by a pseudonym, claimed in a lawsuit that she was raped by a former employee of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation. She says Jackson Lee fired her as she was preparing to pursue legal claims over the alleged assault.

Being an idiot isn’t unlawful. But retaliatory firing of a whistleblower — let alone of an alleged rape victim — certainly is.


Thousands of pages have been written about our age of political polarization. Public discourse and political reporting have deteriorated into an “either/or” game, and while polarization has been around since the Jefferson-Adams kerfuffle, the level of anger is unprecedented.

Agree with me or I’ll call you terrible names.


“Sirius XM radio host and Fox News Contributor David Webb brought Martin onto his radio show to discuss diversity in media, and he noted that he has always considered his accomplishments to be more important than his skin color when applying to jobs […] “I’ve chosen to cross different parts of the media world, done the work so that I’m qualified to be in each one. I never considered my color to be the issue — I considered my qualifications to be the issue,” Webb explained.”

Martin replied:

After Webb said that expertise and experience are what matter, Martin interjected: “That’s a whole ‘nother long conversation about white privilege, the things that you have the privilege of doing, that people of color don’t have the privilege of.”

Martin apologized for her comment and insisted that her team gave her incorrect information about Webb’s race. Exactly how does that work?

“Oh, by the way, Areva, you’ll be on with a white guy, so if you’re backed into a corner, you know what to say…”

THIS IS WHY WE CAN’T HAVE NICE THINGS: One of the fundamental elements of good journalism is “show, don’t tell.” This means that reporting facts are preferred over interpretation or characterizations. But it’s not hard to see why distrust in the legacy media is ever-rising.

“Americans blame shutdown on Trump over Democrats by wide margin, poll finds” blares USA Today. Wide margin? The poll actually shows that:

When asked, “Who do you think is mainly responsible for this situation?” 53 percent of Americans told pollsters they blamed Trump and congressional Republicans.

Three points is a “wide” margin? Moreover, the story’s kicker admits that “The poll of 788 Americans was conducted Jan. 8-11 with a margin of error of plus or minus 4.5 percent.” When the spread is less than the margin of error, that’s usually called a “split” or “close” race.

What more, this important fact isn’t revealed until the third paragraph. Given the fact that as many as 25 percent of American adults get their news from Facebook, and given that too many people never read past the headline, this is especially egregious. “Fake news”? No, but “Wrong” news? Absolutely.

CRYING WOLF FOR FUN AND PROFIT: I’m really not inclined to give any more oxygen to the trainwreck that is Ocasio-Cortez. In fact, it’s a rare time I agree with Whoopi Goldberg about anything, but in this case, AOC ought to take Whoopi’s advice and slow her roll.

But she or her handlers just can’t take a hint. Ever the victim, she tweeted this morning that:

“For those out of the loop, Republicans began to circulate a fake nude photo of me. The @DailyCaller reposted it (!) and refused to indicate it was fake in the title as well.”

Well, (avert your eyes!) here’s the “nude” photo in question:

OMG OMG OMG! Call the Vice Squad! Speaking of Vice, they even got a bunch of foot-fetishists to weigh in on the validity of the photo that had been rattling around the web for months before the DC published the story about the fake photo.

But morons gonna moron, and the media swallowed her latest “I’m a victim!” cry hook, line and sinker. People Magazine gullibly called it a nude in their lede, and Newsweek insists on using the phrase “fake nude” in their headline (tasty clickbait!) even though the story explains that it’s neither a nude nor a picture of AOC.

Sooner or later, she’ll have a legitimate grievance, but who in their right mind will take her seriously? Wait…don’t answer that…

**Disclosure: I write a bi-weekly column on media for The Daily Caller.**

SHOULD THE PRESIDENT HAVE A “PLATFORM” ON NATIONAL TV? Here’s my interview on global news network I24.  Short answer: yes.

MAXIMUM CHICAGO: “Chicago Seized And Sold Nearly 50,000 Cars Over Tickets Since 2011, Sticking Owners With Debt.” The magic part:

“In 2017 alone, Chicago booted more than 67,000 vehicles for unpaid tickets. In about a third of those cases, the driver couldn’t afford to remove the boot, and the vehicle was later towed to a city impound lot. Of those 20,000 impounded cars, more than 8,000 […] were sold off, with the owners receiving none of the sale proceeds. Instead, the city and its towing contractor pocketed millions of dollars, while residents were left with ticket debt.”

It’s Chinatown, Jake.

THE IRONY METER JUST EXPLODED: “WikiLeaks tells reporters 140 things not to say about Julian Assange.” The best part:

“There is a pervasive climate of inaccurate claims about WikiLeaks and Julian Assange, including purposeful fabrications planted in large and otherwise ‘reputable’ media outlets,” Wikileaks said [in] an email sent to media organizations and marked “Confidential legal communication. Not for publication.”

(Italics added).


1) Find an unimportant and non-influential dope who tweeted something dumb;
2) Assert or imply that said idiot speaks for an entire party or movement; and
3) Feel satisfied you have managed to discredit tens of thousands of people with one meme.

The AOC dancing video and the phantom argument that “conservatives used it to smear her” was one example, and sorry to say this is the same bloody thing, only coming from the Right.

The 21st Century strawman.

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): Well, I thought about that very thing before posting a link below. But the account in question isn’t a random anonymous popup, but an established one with over 36,000 followers, and Steve Scalise himself weighed in with several other examples. So I’m not sure this is comparable to the dance-video kerfuffle.

UPDATE (FROM CHARLES): Glenn makes a very reasonable point. Still, I find similarity in ascribing bad motives to an entire group based on a few tweets. Remember, the Tea Party “were all racists” because the MSM could find at least a handful of yahoos to quote.


JOURNALISM ALGEBRA, 2018 EDITION: (Dishonest reporter with agenda + confirmation bias of editors) ÷ publishers drive to riding profitable Anti-Trump news appetite x (decimated newsroom fact-checking staff + journalism school failure to teach ethics) = Journalism 2018.

LEGAL FAIL OF 2018: “IT’S NOT HER FAULT, IT’S NEUROBIOLOGICAL.” OK, OK, I get it, some companies make dangerously defective products, and yes, at the same time there are lawyers who look for anyone from which to squeeze a dime. But then again, sometimes plaintiffs are just plain stupid and will go to extraordinarily lengths to say “not my fault.” Followed by “gimme money.” From the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit:

This case asks us to decide whether, under Texas law, a driver’s neurobiological response to a smartphone notification can be a cause in fact of a car crash […] According to Appellants’ amended complaint, Ashley Kubiak was driving her pick-up truck on April 30, 2013 when she received a text message on her iPhone 5. Appellants allege that Kubiak looked down to read the text, after which she turned her attention back to the road. At that point it was too late to avoid colliding with a vehicle carrying two adults and a child. The adults died, while the child survived but was rendered paraplegic. Kubiak was convicted of two counts of criminally negligent homicide.

But I had to look at the text! I’m conditioned that way! Nope, says the Fifth Circuit: “Because we decline to consider “neurobiological compulsion” a substantial factor under Texas law, we conclude that the iPhone 5 could not be a cause in fact of the injuries in this case.”

All I can say is Apple is lucky they didn’t get sued in California.
**Corrected to clarify that suit was brought by lawyers for estate of crash victims, who argued the driver was compelled to look at her phone.**


THOSE WHO CAN’T DO, TEACH. THOSE WHO CAN’T TEACH BECOME UNION LEADERS: Poor Randi Weingarten. She declared the United Federation of Teachers’ endorsement of Hillary Clinton without a union vote (“Shut up” she explained) and is now performing electoral cunnilingus on Elizabeth Warren. Except her skills in writing clearly leave something to be desired:

Heh. Mrs. Krababble would be proud.

SOROS-DIRECTED GROUP THREATENS JEWISH JOURNALIST: for wait for it…wait for it…emailing them with questions.

“I sent a few more [e-mails] and Patrick Alley, one of the head honchos, finally emailed back. “We do not wish to have any further contact with you. We find these messages threatening. We are asking you to respect our wishes and not to engage in any further communication.” There was nothing remotely threatening in my emails, by any reasonable standard, other than the threat of legal action. I replied — and posted his email and my reply on social media — “Not going to happen, shitheads. Fuck off and you will be hearing from me.”

So the Soros people filed a complaint with the DC Police. Nice. It’s a good picture of the utopian world Soros pretends to want to build.