ANOTHER POLICEMAN MURDERED: It appears Agent De’Greaun “Dee” Frazier was killed while operating undercover. So his death was in the line of duty. Read the article. It’s short but informative. Agent Frazier was with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. “…this one was close to home.” The man who said that is apparently a former supervisor who admired Mr. Frazier. Agent Frazier had been a policeman in Millington, Tennessee. Check the photo. Agent Frazier happened to be black. Sick of the divisiveness peddled by Black Lives Matter and Bill Ayers? I am. If you haven’t already done so, please read the first part of the essay I wrote after the Dallas atrocity. I think those first paragraphs are –in and of themselves– a short essay on leadership. Genuine leadership, not community organizing, if you get my drift. Dallas Police Chief Brown and Senator Scott are real leaders.