OLD AND BUSTED: Rearranging the Deck Chairs on the Titanic.
The New Hotness? Measuring the Deck Chairs on the Titanic! Kamala Harris campaign required she only be seated in chairs that ‘met certain specifications.’
An excerpt from “FIGHT: Inside the Wildest Battle for the White House,” by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes, published in The Hill, detailed the strict seating arrangements.
“Her team required that she be provided a chair that met certain specifications: ‘Leg height no less than 15 inches; floor to top of seat height no less than 18.9 inches; arms on chairs may not be very high, arms must fall at a natural height; chairs must be firm,” according to the book excerpt.
The mandated chair specifications came following her first media interview after taking over the top of the Democratic ticket roughly 40 days before.
The pair sat at a table, but the visual of Harris appearing to be lower than Walz prompted her team to issue a new mandate to never let it happen again.
The internal polling at that point must have been spectacularly bad. Was worrying about chair dimensions a way to pass the time while waiting for the iceberg to hove into view?
“Sitting next to Walz in a chair that seemed to place her below him and heaping praise on Biden’s record, Harris did not look like a candidate seeking the highest office in the land,” the excerpt read. “The whole scene reinforced the criticism that the vice president was either incapable, or afraid, of answering tough questions on her own.”
But Allen and Parnes said that regardless of the mandated chair specs, “the question facing Harris was whether she could build a sturdy platform.”
No politician has ever failed continually upward in such an extraordinary fashion.